Athens: Exarchia, one Year Themistokleous 58 Squat

One_Year_58_SquatOn January 10th 2017, Themistokleous 58 Squat in Exarchia completed one year of activity. During this year our squat took a series of initiatives towards intensifying social war, and participated in numerous actions in support of projects and individuals targeted by repression of all authority.

We have put forward internationalist anarchic solidarity between rebels, believing that it can only be a reciprocal relationship aimed at building up affinity and complicity against the State, Capital and domination, and we continue to do so by factually tearing down phony divisions based on origin, language, gender, sexual orientation and religious or irreligious background of anyone in any way associated with our project.

We have stood up against the diffuse patriotism and racism (both overt and covert), and refused to discriminate against those who migrate on the basis of the status attributed to them by the authorities (refugees vs. non-refugees). We have sought to interlace the struggle against the control and repression of migration with a comprehensive, practical critique against the complex of domination, which is fragmenting and isolating any liberatory attempts to weaken and suppress them more easily.

We have shielded the anti-institutional character of our project by all means necessary, keeping the squat and its activities free from the presence and influence of NGOs, media and any intermediary. We have defended our political autonomy without altering the fundamental characteristics of our combative community. At the same time, we chose to meet with others on paths of multiracial clashes, working together whenever and wherever we considered that the respective political and organizational framework corresponded with our goals.

Themistokleous 58 Squat is both an anarchic political project and a housing space for people with or without papers. It is a subversive laboratory of theory and praxis, but also a place where individuals live and struggle together on the basis of self-organization, equal participation, horizontality, mutual aid and direct action. After one year of operation of the project, the experiences gained (both positive and negative) during the experiment of the 58 are a legacy of struggle valuable to us for the battles to come.

We invite everyone to join us on Saturday January 14th at 21:00 outside the 58 for a demonstration on the streets of Exarchia. We do not forget Shahzad Luqman, a migrant from Pakistan who was murdered by neo-Nazi scum in the Athens neighborhood of Ano Petralona in January 2013. We do not forget the thousands of migrants who were beaten, imprisoned, deported or assassinated by the world of states and their borders.

To support the project financially, join us on Saturday January 21st from 21:00 for a solidarity party at the 58; with live music performances by REZA ASKI (voice/guitar, from Iran) and SIMO (rap, from Morocco), DJ sets, food and drinks.



Themistokleous 58 Squat
th58 [at] riseup [dot] net

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