1 March 2017

Trump’s speech outlines plans for class war at home and war abroad

By Andre Damon, 1 March 2017

In addressing Congress, Trump reaffirmed his core goals: economic nationalism, the scapegoating of immigrants, the expansion of the military and the elimination of restraints on corporations.

The Trump administration and the crisis of American capitalism

Trump proposes huge hike in military and police spending

More on the Trump presidency »

Students in El Paso, Texas speak about life on the US-Mexico border

By Zac Corrigan and Genevieve Leigh, 1 March 2017

High school students explain what life is like for many at their school who are residents and citizens of the US, but travel over the border daily to visit friends and family.

Immigration under capitalism: Life and death along the US-Mexico border

Popular outcry against murder of Indian immigrant in US

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 1 March 2017

Working people in India and America are drawing the connection between last week’s killing of an Indian immigrant and the Trump administration’s anti-immigrant witch hunt.

Michigan father receives unusual waiver from deportation

By Lawrence Porter, 1 March 2017

Several hundred people gathered outside the federal building in Detroit on Tuesday to protest as Yousef Ajin faced his deportation hearing.

The assault on immigrants and the specter of a US police state

Stop the attacks on immigrants! For a socialist policy of open borders and full rights for all workers!

More on the attacks on immigrants »

Nine-month lockout of Honeywell workers ends as UAW pushes through company’s demands

By Jessica Goldstein, 1 March 2017

The betrayal of Honeywell workers in South Bend, Indiana underscores the anti-working class character of the United Auto Workers union.

South Korea demonises North Korea over Malaysian murder

By Peter Symonds, 1 March 2017

The South Korean government is exploiting the killing of Kim Jong-nam to demand North Korea’s suspension from the UN and criminal charges against its leadership.

Did VX kill Kim Jong-nam?

By our reporter, 1 March 2017

Thousands flee as US artillery and air strikes intensify in Mosul offensive

By Jordan Shilton, 1 March 2017

The brutal offensive on Iraq’s second-largest city has already displaced upwards of 200,000 civilians, including 8,000 over the past week.

German newspaper publishes fraudulent refugee “sex-mob” report

By Marianne Arens, 1 March 2017

The unmasking of the lies spread by the Bild report throws further light on the alleged mass sexual harassment of women in Cologne on New Year’s Eve 2015 and 2016.

Unions in UK oppose struggle against massive school spending cuts

By Tom Pearce, 1 March 2017

In the southern English county of Hampshire, 1,700 teachers’ jobs could go by 2019-20 as part of a £62 million package of government cuts.

The Torch Light protest in Manchester: A cynical cover by Labour for complicity in austerity cuts

By Dennis Moore and Robert Stevens, 1 March 2017

In Manchester, the Labour council has enforced £340 million of cuts since 2010, resulting in a 40 percent reduction of the workforce and the gutting of public services.

South Sudan civil war causing widespread famine

By Thomas Gaist, 1 March 2017

Six years after the US-backed partition of Sudan, the newly autonomous, oil-wealthy South Sudan is beset by spreading famine and a raging civil war.

Famine threatens millions in the Horn of Africa as Washington prepares expanded war in Somalia

Leading opposition senator arrested in the Philippines

By Joseph Santolan, 1 March 2017

Senator de Lima’s arrest is an expression of the advanced political crisis in the country which is rooted in the dispute within the ruling class over Manila’s geopolitical orientation.

Rifts tearing Australian government apart

By Mike Head, 1 March 2017

The political brawling points to the immense popular disaffection with both the main establishment parties, the ruling Liberal-National Coalition and Labor.

New in Spanish

El gobierno de Trump y la crisis del capitalismo estadounidense

Por Joseph Kishore, 1 marzo 2017

Es imposible separar la lucha contra el gobierno de Trump de la lucha contra el orden social y económico desde donde germinó: el capitalismo.

Sindicatos estadounidenses apoyan el ultraderechista programa “America First” de Trump

Por Jerry White, 1 marzo 2017

Fueron los socialistas los que se opusieron al nativismo y al racismo, y lucharon por unificar a todos los trabajadores, negros y blancos, nativos e inmigrantes, contra la estrategia de “divide y vencerás” de los patrones.

New in French

Le gouvernement Trump et la crise du capitalisme américain

Par Joseph Kishore, 1 mars 2017

Il est impossible de séparer la lutte contre le gouvernement Trump de la lutte contre le système économique et sociale qui l’a produit : le capitalisme.

La section allemande du CIQI change son nom

Par le Parti de l’Égalité socialiste (Allemagne), 1 mars 2017

La section allemande du CIQI a tenu les 18 et 19 février 2017 un congrès qui a décidé à l’unanimité de changer le nom du parti de Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Parti de l’Egalité sociale) en Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Parti de l’égalité socialiste).

New in German

Die Trump-Regierung und die Krise des amerikanischen Kapitalismus

Von Joseph Kishore, 1. März 2017

Der Kampf gegen die Trump-Regierung kann nicht vom Kampf gegen die kapitalistische Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsordnung getrennt werden, die ihn hervorgebracht hat.

Trump will Ausgaben für Militär und Polizei drastisch erhöhen

Von Patrick Martin, 1. März 2017

Das Weiße Haus kündigte am Montag eine Erhöhung des Etats für Militär und Polizei um 54 Milliarden Dollar an. Die Sozialausgaben sollen dafür um die gleiche Summe gekürzt werden.

Diese Woche in der Russischen Revolution
27. Februar – 5. März: Der amerikanische Imperialismus bereitet sich auf den Kriegseintritt vor

1. März 2017

Seit dem Ausbruch des Kriegs 1914 nahmen die Vereinigten Staaten eine Position der formellen Neutralität ein, die zum Teil durch die unter amerikanischen Arbeitern und Bauern tief verankerte Anti-Kriegsstimmung bedingt war. Aber je länger sich der Krieg hinzog, desto fiktiver wurde die Neutralität.

Other Languages


Behind the anti-Semitic and racist attacks in the US

1 March 2017

The coming to power of the Trump administration has encouraged the most reactionary, racist and backward forces in American society.

Earlier Perspectives »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
February 27-March 5: American imperialism prepares for world war

27 February 2017

From the eruption of war in 1914, the US maintained a position of formal neutrality—partly owing to mass anti-war sentiment among American workers and farmers. The neutrality became increasingly fictitious as the war dragged on.

More than 75,000 view interview with David North
Growing international interest in Russian Revolution Centenary online lecture series

1 March 2017

The series will begin with a lecture by WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North, “Why Study the Russian Revolution?” streamed live on YouTube on Saturday, March 11 at 5:00 p.m. EST.

WSWS Editorial Board Chairman David North discusses upcoming lecture series on Russian Revolution

The ICFI is initiating its commemoration of the centenary of the Russian Revolution of 1917 with a series of online lectures. David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the WSWS, will give the first lecture, “Why Study the Russian Revolution?” The lecture will be streamed on YouTube on Saturday, March 11 at 5:00 pm Eastern (US). Four biweekly lectures will follow.

Register for the lectures today at wsws.org/1917

Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 3 January 2017

Socialist Equality Party (Germany)

German ICFI section adopts new name

By Socialist Equality Party (Germany), 28 February 2017

On February 18-19, 2017, the German section of the ICFI held a congress that unanimously resolved to change the party’s name from Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Party for Social Equality) to Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party).


Stop censorship at Loyola University-Chicago
Students have the right to form political organizations on campus!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (US), 1 March 2017

The IYSSE calls on Loyola University Chicago to reverse its decision barring the International Socialist Organization from forming a student club.

ISO endorses IYSSE application for club status at New York University

Open Letter to the International Socialist Organization
Reverse ISO position supporting political censorship at NYU

IYSSE campaigns for student senate at Eastern Michigan University

By Tim Rivers, 28 February 2017

Student representative body denounces right-wing positions of professors at Berlin’s Humboldt University

By our correspondents, 20 February 2017

IYSSE meeting defends Bremen University Student Union against attacks by Jörg Baberowski

The election of Donald Trump, the danger of war and the political tasks facing young people

By International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 20 February 2017


89th Academy Awards: What does Hollywood offer today?

By David Walsh, 28 February 2017

Russian revolutionary art exhibition in London excises Trotsky—and, more generally, historical truth
Revolution: Russian Art 1917–1932

By Paul Mitchell, 25 February 2017

Why is the Flaming Lips’ Oczy Mlody so disappointing?

The Trump Presidency

Trump steps up trade war agenda

By Nick Beams, 28 February 2017

Trump attacks media in diatribe to Conservative Political Action Conference

By Joseph Kishore, 25 February 2017

Nazis in the Trump White House

The mass protests against Trump and the role of the Democratic Party

Trump administration revokes transgender rights guidance issued by Obama administration

US unions back Trump’s ultra-right “America First” program

More on the Trump presidency »


South Asian nuclear arms race accelerates amid India-Pakistan standoff

By Sampath Perera, 28 February 2017

Juan Cole promotes Washington’s lies at University of Michigan talk on Syria

By Carlos Delgado, 27 February 2017

Capitalism and America’s addiction epidemic

The discovery of a system with seven “Earth-like” exoplanets

Workers Struggles

Southern railway workers in UK strike in the face of union sabotage

By Michael Barnes, 28 February 2017

UAW shuts down strike at Kansas City auto parts supplier plant

By Shannon Jones and Nick Rodriguez, 28 February 2017

Australian union pushes through pay cut at paper mill

By Chris Sadlier, 28 February 2017

Socialist Equality Party

Australia: SEP meetings discuss Trump, war and the political tasks facing workers and youth

By our correspondents, 28 February 2017

The meetings attracted university students, workers, professionals and retirees seeking in-depth discussion about the Trump presidency and the dangerous shift in world politics.

SEP meeting attendees speak on Trump and the threat of war

By our reporters, 28 February 2017

Public meetings in Australia and New Zealand
The political significance of Trump and the accelerated drive to war

10 February 2017

A wave of class struggles in Sri Lanka: Workers must fight for a socialist program to defend their rights

By the Socialist Equality Party, 18 February 2017

Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meetings
Trump and Brexit: For a socialist opposition to economic nationalism

11 February 2017

New in Arabic

Arabic translation of “Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017”

We are publishing here the Arabic translation of the January 3 WSWS perspective article, “Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017”


Eighty years since the victory of the Flint sit-down strike—Part one

By Jerry White, 15 February 2017

Eighty years since the victory of the Flint sit-down strike—Part two

Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov (1856–1918): His Place in the History of Marxism

Security and the Fourth Internaional

Security and the Fourth International
The Smith Act trial and government infiltration of the Trotskyist movement—Part one

By Eric London, 8 December 2016

Security and the Fourth International
The Smith Act trial and government infiltration of the Trotskyist movement—Part two
Why wasn’t Joseph Hansen a defendant in the Smith Act trial?