
A new concept of unionism: the New South Wales Builders Labourers' Federation 1970-1974

Meredith Burgmann's pioneering work on the history of the New South Wales branch of the Australian Builders Labourers' Federation. During the 1960s and 1970s the NSWBLF introduced limited tenure of office for union officials, tied officials' pay to the minimum industry wage, introduced highly democratic forms of decision-making, and pursued militant industrial tactics. The union was also notable for its aggressive support of other social groups, most notably through the placing of "Green Bans" where members prevented work from taking place on environmentally or socially destructive projects.

Rebel voices: an IWW anthology

Photo at an IWW demonstration

An extensive collection of writings by and about the Industrial Workers of the World union in the US, compiled and edited by Joyce L Kornbluh and first published in 1964.

The Wobblies: the story of syndicalism in the United States

IWW members

A detailed chronicle of the history of the Industrial Workers of the World union in the United States by Patrick Renshaw, published in 1967.

Speech at the Madrid Ateneo - Salvador Seguí

A speech delivered by Salvador Seguí in 1919 in Madrid in which the CNT leader denounces Catalonian separatism as an alibi for the repression of the workers movement, denies that socialist parties or anarchist groups are capable of assuming responsibility for production, calls upon the unions to focus on an educational program to prepare the Trade Unions, based on occupational categories, to guarantee the normalization of production and consumption after the revolution (so that “all the material needs of life for all humans will be assured”), and claims that this preparation (“We have to read a lot, and discuss even more”) is an indispensable precondition for communism.

European syndicalism and the IWW

A 1933 reply by Ralph Chaplin to, seemingly, Spanish anarchist Maximiliano Olay, about the differences between the CNT and the IWW.

North-East of the US : class struggle unionism and social issues

This article presents, this time, the current situation of American unionism and its history and provides an overview of the activities of the revolutionary syndicalists of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Volume 7 Issue 12

Mother Earth Vol. VII. No. 12 (February, 1913). 395–396.

Aspects of syndicalism in Spain, Sweden and USA - Philip Holgate

A look at revolutionary and anarcho-syndicalism in three countries with sizeable syndicalist organisations in the 20th century.

On boring from within - Bert Russell

An article by Bert Russell looking at 'boring from within' strategy by radicals in the AFL and CIO and their fruitless nature. Originally appeared in The One Big Union Monthly (February 1938).