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  • Pádua

    Chamadas de trabalhos - História

    Children on the move from the 20th to the 21st century

    A biopolitics perspective

    Migrant children are often at the crossroads of conflicting priorities related to local and global issues (conflict, displacement, poverty, (under)development). Throughout history, states, organisations, institutions, and communities have tried to manage and control migrants and migratory processes. While the latter topic has been the subject of extensive research, the study of child migration lags behind. This workshop aims to address this gap by adopting Foucault’s theoretical framework of biopolitics – a control apparatus exerted over a population – to the case of children.

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  • Paris

    Chamadas de trabalhos - Ásia

    Competition and solidarity networks in contemporary South Asia's Labour Market 

    Hegemonic neo-liberal discourse assumes that free competition on all levels sparks a virtuous cycle of economic growth, which eventually trickles down to poor populations. Over the past three decades, the idea that restrictive labour laws hamper such competition has justified the deregulation of labour in the North and the un-regulation of labour in the South, notably in South Asia, where labour relations had already mainly been informal. Various sociologists have noted that intensified economic interactions and the rise of competition have made individuals more likely to activate their social networks to protect their individual interests. In this respect, to what extent do social networks shape relations in the diverse South Asian labour markets? How do new forms of social groupings reconfigure competition and solidarity relations? What forms of social interactions prevail, emerge and weaken in the market: chosen solidarity and inherited solidarity; inter-caste and intra-caste solidarity; class solidarity; corporate solidarity etc.?


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  • Toulouse

    Chamadas de trabalhos - Educação

    Mêlées et démêlés, cinquante ans de recherches en sciences de l'éducation

    Les dciences de l'éducation atteindront en 2017 le seuil symbolique des 50 ans d'existence. Ces années de travaux, de colloques, de publications ont permis à la discipline d'asseoir sa légitimité dans les champs de l'éducation, de la formation et du travail. Elles ont produit une histoire, faite de débats, d'avancées scientifiques, d'évolutions ou de bifurcations, histoire que ce colloque envisage d'interroger. Onze symposiums sont programmés sur des thématiques aussi diverses que celle des rapports entre didactique et pédagogie, changement et innovation, recherche et militance. Il s’agira d’investir les « démêlés » (débats, disputes, controverses) qui ont jalonné notre discipline à partir d’un des sites nationaux importants que constitue Toulouse. Les « mêlées » sont un clin d’œil au patrimoine rugbystique occitan. Pendant trois jours, la capitale du rugby sera aussi celle des sciences de l’éducation.

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