Federal Politics

One Nation vote on the slide, poll reveals

Pauline Hanson's One Nation might not be the political force in WA politics.

One Nation might not be the political force in WA politics as first predicted and their resurgence appears to be on the skids only a week before the election, according to a new poll.

Centrelink: minister referred to federal police

Human Services Minister Alan Tudge.

Labor's human services spokeswoman Linda Burney has referred Human Services Minister Alan Tudge to the Australian Federal Police over allegations he broke the law by releasing the personal information of a Centrelink recipient to the media.

Turnbull ducks questions on penalty rate cut

Penalty rates: "This is a matter that the Government has not decided."

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has refused to say whether he supports the Fair Work Commission's decision to cut penalty rates for hundreds of thousands of Australian workers, instead backing the independence of the body and indicating the government backs a transition that softens the blow for workers.