Robert Best: Christian Brother sentenced to 10 years' jail for sexual abuse of boys

Updated March 02, 2017 14:29:30

Robert Best's behaviour was described by Judge Geoffrey Chettle as "disgusting and abhorrent" Video: Robert Best's behaviour was described by Judge Geoffrey Chettle as "disgusting and abhorrent" (ABC News)

Convicted paedophile and Christian Brother Robert Best has been sentenced to 10 years and five months in jail after admitting to the sexual abuse of a further 20 boys in his care.

Best had earlier been sentenced to 14 years and nine months in jail in 2011 for similar crimes against 11 boys over a 20-year period from the late 1960s at several Victorian schools.

The 76-year-old admitted last month to indecent assault charges against 20 boys, who were mostly aged between eight and 11 years old.

Judge Geoffrey Chettle described Best's behaviour as "disgusting and abhorrent" as he imposed the sentence.

"You caused lifelong misery to many people," he said.

"You were correctly described by one of your victims as a monster.

"I accept it is highly likely that you will die in prison."

Best's earliest release date will be in 2027, when he will be 86 years old.

Victims abused in front of other students, court told

The court heard Best "regularly and persistently" abused boys on school grounds, including at the sick bay, in his office and in front of other students.

In one case, the court heard Best assaulted a boy after asking him to stay behind after class.

"He was crying and you reassured him everything would be alright," Judge Chettle said.

Judge Chettle said many of Best's victims suffered from long-lasting shame, suicidal thoughts, isolation and problems with drugs and alcohol as a result of the abuse.

Several of Best's victims were in tears as the crimes were read out. Best stared straight ahead.

The County Court had heard the sexual abuse occurred between 1968 and 1988 at four schools — St Alipius at Ballarat, St Leo's at Box Hill, St Joseph's at Geelong and St Bernard's at Essendon.

Best's guilty pleas confirmed the total number of his victims was 31.

Keith Davidson, 57, was about 11 years old when he was abused by Best at St Alipius Primary School.

He said he would try to move on after the sentence.

"It's never long enough," he said.

"I'm trying to still deal with this and … in court, I fell into a big black hole again. It doesn't matter how hard you try, it just gets you and pulls you back into it."

Best an 'obvious disgrace' to Christian Brothers

The Christian Brothers Oceania Province again apologised for Best's crimes in a statement.

"Robert Best has committed offences that represent the most grievous betrayal of the trust of innocent children and their families," the statement said.

"To those who have suffered abuse, we apologise to you and your loved ones without reservation.

"The independent judicial process has now delivered justice for those crimes."

The court previously heard that the Catholic Church order was still funding the cost of Best's legal defence.

The child sex abuse royal commission was told in 2015 that the Church had already paid more than $1.5 million in legal fees for Best.

Judge Chettle said Best had not resigned from the Christian Brothers, nor had been asked to despite being "an obvious disgrace to that order".

Best joined the Christian Brothers order in February 1959 and was aged between 28 and 47 at the time of the offending.

He taught in secondary schools between 1988 and his retirement from teaching in 1994, and during that time did not abuse students.

Topics: sexual-offences, law-crime-and-justice, melbourne-3000, ballarat-3350, geelong-3220, essendon-3040

First posted March 02, 2017 11:32:18