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Rebuilding Gaza from Its Ashes News Roundup
Mersiha Gadzo, Al Jazeera

Rebuilding Gaza from Its Ashes

People initially laughed and told her she would fail, but 22-year-old civil engineering graduate Majd Masharawi persisted - and after more than a year of experimenting, she believes...

about 4 days ago
Palestinian Media Outlets Commit to More Coverage of Women’s Affairs News Roundup
Rasha Abou Jalal, Al-Monitor

Palestinian Media Outlets Commit to More Coverage of Women’s Affairs

The Palestinian Ministry of Women’s Affairs, in collaboration with local media, is deploying major efforts to encourage the media to address social affairs, and women’s affairs in particular...

about 6 days ago
Is Bernie Sanders Open to a One-State Solution? News Roundup
Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada

Is Bernie Sanders Open to a One-State Solution?

Bernie Sanders gave his first major speech on the question of Palestine since his Democratic primary challenge to Hillary Clinton last year. The Vermont senator did not...

about 6 days ago
Bernie Sanders Meets With Israeli Arab Leader Ayman Odeh, Day After Calling for End to Israeli… News Roundup
Amir Tibon, Haaretz

Bernie Sanders Meets With Israeli Arab Leader Ayman Odeh, Day After Calling for End to Israeli…

One day after calling for an end to Israeli occupation, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders on Tuesday met with Ayman Odeh, the leader of the Joint Arab List faction in the Knesset...

about 6 days ago
Film Recreates Notorious Israeli Detention Centre News Roundup
Zineb Abdessadok, Al Jazeera

Film Recreates Notorious Israeli Detention Centre

In his award-winning documentary Ghost Hunting, director Raed Andoni brings a group of former Palestinian prisoners to an empty warehouse in Ramallah and asks them to rebuild...

about 6 days ago
The Trial Continues: Dareen Tatour and the Crime of Posting While Arab News Roundup
Kim Jensen and Yoav Haifawi, Mondoweiss

The Trial Continues: Dareen Tatour and the Crime of Posting While Arab

In a moment when much of the world’s population is justifiably alarmed at the ascent of a dangerous, bigoted demagogue to the White House, it’s a critical moment to recognize...

about 1 week ago
Bernie Sanders: We Need to End the 50-Year-Long Israeli Occupation News Roundup
Amir Tibon, Haaretz

Bernie Sanders: We Need to End the 50-Year-Long Israeli Occupation

Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders said on Monday that Israeli occupation runs against both American and Israeli values and called for its end. "We need to end this 50-year-long occupation"...

about 1 week ago
Why Hollywood Has Abandoned Brand Israel News Roundup
Catherine Rottenberg, Al Jazeera

Why Hollywood Has Abandoned Brand Israel

As Israel moves ever more dangerously rightward - evidenced by the latest law legalising the state's expropriation of private Palestinian lands and the extremely conservative appointees to the High Court - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems, perhaps paradoxically, more obsessed than in the past with promoting Israel's positive image in the international arena.

about 1 week ago
Palestinian Christian from Bethlehem Wins Wildly Popular ‘Arab Idol’ Song Contest News Roundup
William Booth, The Washington Post

Palestinian Christian from Bethlehem Wins Wildly Popular ‘Arab Idol’ Song Contest

Thousands gathered in the holy city’s Manger Square late Saturday night to watch one of their own win the “Arab Idol” song contest, the wildly popular ratings monster that brings the...

about 1 week ago