Justinian is Australia’s most revered and disturbing law journal. For over 26 years, with loving attention to detail, it has chronicled the exquisite finery and the dirty linen of the legal profession. We report notorious instances of flair and fumbling at the bar, failures in judicial rectitude, secret correspondence from lofty sources and who is acting for whom and for how much. www.justinian.com.au

The Justinian archive can be found here: www.justinianarchive.com.au



Since 1986 the Gazette of Law & Journalism has been covering court cases, legislation and policy issues that affect the media. We have a comprehensive database of materials on defamation, contempt, suppression, protection of sources, freedom of information and privacy. The Gazette is an indispensable resource for students, journalists, editors, radio and television producers, publishers and their legal advisers. www.glj.com.au


2011 is a journalistically driven hyper-local web news and opinion site. We publish news and views about civic and cultural life throughout the 2011 postcode area - Potts Point, Woolloomooloo, Kings Cross, Darlinghurst, Elizabeth Bay and Rushcutters Bay. Restaurants, bars, theatre, exhibitions, politics, crime, people - are all part of our beat. Short, meaningful and clear contributions and comments are welcome - as long as they're local. www.postcode2011.com.au



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