Test your general knowledge with our weekly quiz. By Cindy MacDonald.

The Quiz

1. The H1N1 virus is commonly known by what porcine name?
2. Jenny Shipley is a former prime minister of …?
3. Exophthalmia affects which part of the body?
4. In Pride and Prejudice, what is Mr Darcy’s first name?
5. What does a cooper make or repair?
6. How many inches are in a yard?
7. Which film won last year’s Academy Award for Best Picture?
8. Jack Dorsey is the CEO and co-founder of which social media giant?
9. Which team scored the first goal in the new AFLW league?
10. What was Kylie Minogue’s first No. 1 single in Australia? (Bonus point for naming the year the single was released.)           

This article was first published in the print edition of The Saturday Paper on Feb 25, 2017 as "How many inches are in a yard?". Subscribe here.

Cindy MacDonald

is The Saturday Paper’s deputy editor.