Reporting Robert Xie’s murder of Brenda Lin’s family

Miriam Cosic
In 2009, her world was torn apart by the murder of her parents, brothers and aunt. Now, following her uncle’s long-awaited conviction, Brenda Lin faces the glare of the media again.

Senior Liberals caution Malcolm Turnbull on style

Karen Middleton
As Turnbull’s supporters become anxious about an absence of narrative and clear advice, his problems are greater than a vengeful Tony Abbott.

Race, stereotyping and Melbourne’s Apex gang

Santilla Chingaipe
The media’s reporting of gang crime across Melbourne has racial overtones, singling out Sudanese Australians and engendering fear and stereotyping in the community.

The death of broadcast television

Michael Bodey
As the number of traditional viewers fall, what does the future of broadcast television look like?

Facebook’s distortion of news access

Guy Healy
Facebook’s opaque algorithm for filtering its News Feed likely distorts access to information and public debate.

The new untruth of political campaigns

Karen Middleton
As a leading polling company is revealed to be behind an activist website ostensibly linked to Medicare, bipartisan support emerges for rules on disclosure.

Sexual harassment in the media

Martin McKenzie-Murray
The departure of The Age’s editor-in-chief due to workplace impropriety highlights the ongoing hypocrisy of the media as moral arbiter.

Senior ABC staff say Michelle Guthrie ‘out of her depth’

Mike Seccombe
As staff revolt against programming changes, ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie struggles to describe her vision for the broadcaster.

How fake news online skewed the US election

Mike Seccombe
As calls intensify for a recount in key states, the impact on the American election of post-truth ‘news’ is becoming clearer.

What is going on with WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange?

Martin McKenzie-Murray
WikiLeaks’ publishing of emails hacked by Russia to embarrass Hillary Clinton shows that its founder has not changed, the world has.

Inside Swisse and its vexed ABC sponsorship deal

Martin McKenzie-Murray
Amid serious concerns about its products’ efficacy, complementary medicine giant Swisse will do anything for credibility.

How Pauline Hanson changes politics through fear

Mike Seccombe
Pauline Hanson is back exhorting the same old message: fear and racial intolerance. And once again she’s set to change the political landscape.

Michelle Guthrie begins managing direction at the ABC

Jim Middleton
The ABC’s new managing director has taken the reins with a focus on substance and a return to international broadcasting.

The federal budget and the end of ABC Fact Check

Jim Middleton
The demise of ABC Fact Check brings into question government funding and the national broadcaster’s right to decide where taxpayer dollars go.

60 Minutes crew released in Beirut

Martin McKenzie-Murray
A TV crew’s botched child recovery bid has left a trail of damaged reputations and questions of how far is too far in journalism.

Holiday surprises for Malcolm Turnbull

Martin McKenzie-Murray
Traditionally, Christmas and new year marks a flat spot for political news. But the past few weeks have thrown up their share of woe for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

2015: A carnival of cognitive dissonance

Martin McKenzie-Murray
If anything existed to make sense of the past year, it was a stubborn refusal to accept realities – in politics, in sport, in life.

Ending the silence on suicide

Martin McKenzie-Murray
It’s long been a taboo subject, rarely spoken of in public and deliberately withheld from media reports. Now experts are seeking to destigmatise suicide – and help those at risk – by encouraging open, honest and sensitive conversation about what drives someone to want to take their own life.

Bill Shorten’s life with a 17 per cent approval rating

Sophie Morris
With an appalling approval rating, but protected by Labor’s leadership rules, Bill Shorten must persuade the public he’s a man of ideas.

Chris Kenny visits Nauru as borders open up to allies

Martin McKenzie-Murray
Allowing a supportive journalist access to Nauru does nothing to assuage the levels of secrecy and lies on the island.

The Arthur Sinodinos-Malcolm Turnbull plan for the Coalition

Sophie Morris
It was not just his popularity that won Malcolm Turnbull the leadership. There was also a long-running plan to reboot policy.

Leadership change sparks civil war at News Corp

Mike Seccombe
The commentators who thought Tony Abbott was their champion are desperately looking for relevance after the coup.

TPP negotiations threaten to forcibly commercialise state-owned bodies

Philip Dorling
The ABC, SBS and Australia Post could lose special regulatory treatment under trade measures being pushed for by the US.

Vanuatu's radio’s active decay

Megan Anderson
In Pacific island nations, radio remains the most accessible news source. But while media is being targeted for development, funding cuts and government interference are threatening its efficacy.

The battle for open-access information

Martin McKenzie-Murray
A Melbourne-based PhD candidate’s online open-access publishing forum is a boon for those wishing to access texts and transcripts free. But at what cost to the authors of some of these works?
