Ménière’s disease and hearing disorders

Michele Tydd
Hearing impairment is underestimated and costly, but a new inquiry is set to amplify attention on the problem.

The clown doctors of Lady Cilento

Andrew McMillen
In hospitals throughout Australia a dedicated troupe of clown doctors dispenses therapeutic comic relief.

Biology-inspired smart fabrics

Michele Tydd
A UNSW professor has created a type of fabric that replicates bone tissue, with potential for wide-ranging medical, commercial and safety applications.

Men and Parenting Pathways study

Michele Tydd
An ongoing study into men’s attitudes to fatherhood and its associated pressures aims to uncover useful coping strategies and ultimately save lives.

The neglected world of comorbid disorders

Jenny Valentish
Anorexic and abusing ice, Katelyn was let down by a health system unequipped to meet the challenges of comorbid disorders.

Magnetic technology for early onset scoliosis

Michele Tydd
For sufferers of early onset scoliosis, new magnetic technology is helping to correct deformity without the need for multiple invasive procedures.

Antibiotic resistance

Kemal Atlay
Overuse of antibiotics, in the home and agriculturally, has created a global health crisis with bacterial resistance to current treatments predicted to claim 10 million lives yearly by 2050.

The science of sleepwalking

Michele Tydd
Somnambulism affects an alarming number of people – particularly children – but despite its prevalence very little is known about its cause or possible interventions.

Tourette syndrome and CBIT

Michele Tydd
Tourette syndrome affects one in 100 Australian children. Now, behavioural therapy is helping to obviate tics.

Rethinking chronic fatigue syndrome

Sylvia Rowley
Despite world-class research into chronic fatigue syndrome being undertaken nationally, government funding and support for sufferers is grossly lacking.

PrEP on the frontline of HIV

Simon Copland
The fight against the spread of HIV has a new weapon – PrEP, a drug program that prevents transmission.

The world’s biggest sex survey

Michele Tydd
A ‘robust’ 10-yearly survey is laying bare the sexual practices of Australians, providing data for health workers and demystifying taboos.

The Unwelcome Guest: Meditation and guilt

Georgia Blain
How do you find the balance between living and the ongoing treatment that brain cancer requires?

Sopite syndrome as high-rise buildings sway

Michele Tydd
Tired of the office? Maybe it has less to do with work and more to do with the height of the building and the weather outside.

UK doctors heading to Australia

Katie Silver
Rural Australia could be the beneficiary of an influx of young British doctors looking abroad to escape swingeing cuts to junior contracts in their homeland.

The CHAMP study into geriatric male health

Michele Tydd
A study of men aged over 70 is hoping to uncover the secrets to living a healthier, longer life.

Survivor diaries

Jo Lennan
A year on from her diagnosis, Jo Lennan reflects on the ups and downs of life after cancer.

Non-invasive prenatal screening tests

Megan Howe
A blood test early in pregnancy to screen for foetal genetic abnormalities raises as many questions as it answers.

Fighting obesity through sugary drinks pricing

Alessandro Demaio
Can Australia counter its soaring obesity rates by removing hidden subsidies on soft drinks?

Dementia researchers look to dogs for breakthroughs

Michele Tydd
A deaf, once-homeless cocker spaniel has become an unlikely weapon in the fight against dementia.

Blindness risk as myopia heads towards epidemic levels

Megan Howe
In some nations, a staggering 90 per cent of teenagers are short-sighted, but perhaps the problem could be arrested by simply sending children outside.

Over-medicalisation: doing more harm than good

Ray Moynihan
Is a growing tendency to overprescribe tests and treatments turning the elderly into ‘professional patients’?

Breaking the cycle of addiction

Jenny Valentish
The trouble with beating addiction is that it isn’t confined to one substance or activity.

Facing up to dementia

Ruth Johnson
Stigma and silence surround dementia, as research funding is sadly neglected.

Overseas cosmetic surgery on the rise

Megan Howe
Australians are heading overseas for cheap cosmetic surgery in booming numbers, despite the death of a Gold Coast woman undergoing surgery in Mexico and repeated warnings about the risks involved.
