Writer and step-mother Kelly Chandler

Romy Ash
Step-parenting with the author of The Other Mother, Kelly Chandler.

Writer and activist Jeff Sparrow

Maxine Beneba Clarke

Author and academic Eva Cox

Sarah Price
A visit to writer and activist Eva Cox's house.

Kathryn Heyman, author

Sarah Price
Free-diver Kathryn Heyman, author of Storm and Grace.

Artist TextaQueen

Maxine Beneba Clarke
Getting to know TextaQueen through her first survey show, Between You and Me.

Bianca Hester and the Open Spatial Workshop

Romy Ash
A walk through works curated by Bianca Hester and the Open Spatial Workshop team at the Monash University Museum of Art.

Designer and film historian Peter Dietze

Kate Holden
A pioneering Melbourne designer discovers a family link to the birth of the Indian film industry.

ABC host Jane Hutcheon

Maxine Beneba Clarke
Maxine Beneba Clarke reflects on the interviewer as she appears on One Plus One.

Joel Archer – film historian, charity worker

Christopher Currie
The dual life-changing moments for cinema historian and charity founder Joel Archer.

Dancer and choreographer Eisa Jocson

Kate Holden
Philippine pole-dancer performance artist Eisa Jocson.

Writer and activist Tasneem Chopra

Maxine Beneba Clarke
Tasneem Chopra on the nativity.

Redfern’s Aunty Donna Ingram

Sarah Price
Redfern Wiradjuri woman Donna Ingram

Abstract artist John Nixon

Kate Holden
In the workroom with punk veteran and abstract artist John Nixon.

Landscape designer Paul Bangay

Romy Ash
A walk through Stonefields with Paul Bangay.

American artist Nick Cave

Samuel Wagan Watson
US artist Nick Cave's dance performance HEARD at QAGOMA.

Author and editor Masha Gessen

Maxine Beneba Clarke
Breakfast with fearless Russian journalist Masha Gessen.

An audience with poet and author Fiona Wright

Sarah Price
Small Acts of Disappearance author Fiona Wright on the strange relationship between hunger and writing.

‘Love activist’ Christina Stevens

Sarah Price
A hug and a chat with the woman taking her message of love to the masses.

Chef and farmer Matthew Evans

Maggie MacKellar
Down on the farm with chef and fresh food advocate Matthew Evans.

Martu elder Nyarri Nyarri Morgan and ‘Collisions’

Romy Ash
A virtual reality tour with Maralinga survivor Nyarri Nyarri Morgan.

Artist Chiharu Shiota

Anna Krien
Unravelling inspiration with Japanese installation artist Chiharu Shiota.

DMC parkour at Sydney Opera House

Maxine Beneba Clarke
Fairfield’s Dauntless Movement Crew parkour performers.

Public art producer Claire Doherty

Robyn Annear
Making public art with a purpose with Situations’ director Claire Doherty.

MUMA curator Helen Hughes

Patrick Hartigan
In conversation with MUMA's new curator.

Confronting Lionel Shriver

Maxine Beneba Clarke
Face to face with author Lionel Shriver after her controversial Brisbane Writers Festival address.
