Renewables and South Australia’s power policy

Max Opray
The outcome of the South Australian government’s bold energy policy could be key to the future of renewable energy throughout the nation.

Cleaning up the Environmental Protection Authority

Chris Woods
Sweeping reforms to Victoria’s EPA are set to shift its focus from response to prevention, and restore the faith of communities at risk from contaminants.

Malcolm Turnbull’s switch on power sources

Mike Seccombe
The further Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull gets into defending the Coalition’s climate change policy, the clearer it becomes that he is living two lives.

Inside the fight for the Australian Greens

Karen Middleton
As battlelines are drawn between ‘the Tony Abbott’ of the Greens and the party’s elders, deeper questions have emerged about style and purpose.

The next wrecking of Great Keppel Island

Karen Middleton
A plan to build a major casino resort on the Great Barrier Reef is a boon for tourism but has left Indigenous owners complaining they were never consulted.

The Green Army’s scant environmental credentials

Mike Seccombe
As the Coalition fractures over climate policy, the follies and waste of the demobilised Green Army have become clear.

Guarding vulnerable Australian species

Andrew Stafford
While scientists have found vulnerable native species are surviving in tiny remote habitats with very specific conditions, the difficulty is in locating these refuges before it’s too late to protect them.

Millers Point residents challenge Barangaroo casino in court

Anne Davies
A Land and Environment Court challenge to James Packer’s proposed casino tower at Barangaroo may yet turn the odds against the Crown Resorts proposal.

Veteran UK banker Paul Fisher on climate change and the financial sector

Mike Seccombe
A veteran of Britain’s central bank, Paul Fisher says climate change will have a massive impact on the global financial sector. He talks about managing the risks.

Political power struggle after SA’s statewide blackout

Karen Middleton
As clean-up began after South Australia’s freak storms, the federal energy minister seized the opportunity for a debate on renewables.

Inside the split at the Climate Change Authority

Mike Seccombe
The body that provides government with advice on global warming is being pulled apart by politics, yet may prove more effective than ever.

Exclusive: Toxic chemical conflict on Defence sites

Chris Ray
Consultants paid millions by Defence helped revise chemical safety standards that could shield the department from multiple compensation claims.

Josh Frydenberg's approach to environment and energy

Karen Middleton
The new minister for the environment and energy, Josh Frydenberg, is ready to balance his portfolios and disappoint critics on the left and right.

How rooftop solar energy became a political issue

Mike Seccombe
A potentially influential, unclaimed political constituency is lurking in our suburbs.

Ruffled feathers in battle to save night parrot

Andrew Stafford
Government efforts to conserve the elusive – and once feared extinct – night parrot have alienated birdwatchers and divided opinion on the best way forward.

Environmental Defenders lawyer Sue Higginson

Mick Daley
As a campaigner for green causes, Sue Higginson knew a law degree would be her most useful weapon. Now she’s at the vanguard of the fight, heading the NSW Environmental Defenders Office.

The battle to save WA’s endangered black cockatoos

Jan Mayman
A proposed gravel mine in the hills south of Perth threatens to devastate the breeding habitat of three federally protected black cockatoo species, incensing local residents devoted to their protection.

The real story on the Great Barrier Reef

Martin McKenzie-Murray
As Australia interferes with UN reporting of threats to World Heritage sites, the Great Barrier Reef’s fate is increasingly dire if not already sealed.

Tarkine environmental tourism thwarted

Ricky French
With mining uneconomic in Tasmania’s Tarkine, tourism operators want to transform the region into a wilderness destination. But governments refuse to offer the environmental protections needed.

The bureaucratic threat to endangered species

Andrew Stafford
With taxonomists themselves a threatened species, endangered fauna risks going unnoticed and unlisted for protection – particularly if it isn’t cute and furry.

Tasmania's power crisis

John Martinkus
Mismanagement of Tasmania’s once-abundant hydroelectric resources combined with the driest year on record see the state on the brink of wintertime power cuts.

Media silence on the Barrier Reef

Andrew Stafford
While the world is shocked by images of telltale coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef, in Queensland’s largest newspaper the story is inexplicably absent.

Malcolm Turnbull’s climate change thimble trick

Mike Seccombe
Malcolm Turnbull’s decision to grant a stay of execution to two government green energy agencies hinges more on cooling the heat on him than the environment.

Victoria’s duck-hunting season sparks controversy

Andrew Stafford
As duck numbers dwindle, the Victorian government’s decision to support this year’s hunting season has sparked claims the regulatory body is biased.

Bob Brown’s arrest in Lapoinya under new anti-protestor laws

Bob Brown
A High Court challenge to Tasmania’s controversial anti-protester laws follows their use to arrest conservationists in the Lapoinya forest.
