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Exclusive Classified documents reveal Canada's planned response to 9/11-style attack
Secret documents detailing Canada’s plans for responding to a Sept. 11-style attack include a scenario in which military fighter jets are forced to shoot down a hijacked commercial airliner to protect Toronto’s CN Tower.
Updated Jeff Sessions spoke with Russian ambassador during campaign, Justice Department says
Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States during the presidential campaign. The Justice Department said Wednesday night that the two conversations took place last year when Sessions was a senator.
Oldest traces of life on Earth found in Quebec, dating back roughly 3.8 billion years
A team of international scientists has found the oldest record of life on Earth in Northern Quebec, dating back at least 3.8 billion years.
Subway defends its chicken after CBC Marketplace report video
Hungry for more detail about that Subway chicken report? Here's more about the test that everyone's talking about, including the results on the sandwich chain's chicken.
Scrapping refugee deal with U.S. would lead to thousands more heading north, says John Manley video
Suspending the Safe Third Country Agreement would only turn the dozens of asylum seekers coming to Canada through illegal border crossings into a flow of thousands, says former deputy prime minister John Manley.