WA News

Woman screams and struggles with knife wielding man at Bells Rapids

A woman has kicked out at a knife wielding attacker as she sat in her car at Bells Rapids on Wednesday morning.

Police are now on the hunt for the male assailant.

The incident happened between 7.30am-8am at Bells Rapids Park on Cathedral Avenue in Brigadoon.

Police say the woman, who is aged in her 20s, was sitting in her car at the park when a man armed with a knife opened her driver's door and threatened her.

The woman screamed and struggled with the man. She managed to kick him and he fell backwards.

The woman then drove off and went to a police station where she reported the incident. She received minor lacerations, believed to be from the knife.

The male offender is described as having olive skin, approximately 185-190cm tall and has a slim/skinny build.

He was wearing dark jeans, a grey jumper, a baseball cap and a scarf across his face.

Anyone with information or who saw anyone acting suspiciously in the Bells Rapids Park area this morning can call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report it online at www.crimestopperswa.com.au.