WA News

WA teachers in crisis: Overcrowding, rent hikes in election spotlight

New schools, regional out-of-hours care and new playground investments - the education sector has continued to benefit from both of the major parties' election campaigns. 

The WA Liberals have committed $250 million to new infrastructure and primary schools- and an additional $1 billion if the sale of Western Power is to go ahead- while the Labor Party has promised $381 million towards a better education experience across the state.

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However, a major education body has criticised both major parties for failing to address the grassroots crisis affecting WA students - their teachers.

Problems including poor government issued housing and lacking specialised services have continued to plague WA's teaching staff, with overcrowding causing a number of issues across the state. 

The Barnett Government cut upwards of 500 teaching jobs from the education sector in 2013, and 406 education assistant positions and as a result WA continues to have the highest average student-to-teaching staff ratio in the nation.

According to a Productivity Commission report WA has 15.7 students to each teaching staff member, above the national average of 15.3.


While both major parties have attempted to placate the issue with promises of new facilities and schools, State School Teachers' Union (SSTUWA) president Pat Byrne said more needed to be done to ease the 'stress and workload' of WA teachers.

"Teacher-student ratios in WA increased after 2014, and reflected the cuts imposed by the State Government," Ms Byrne said.

"In some schools, larger classes mean there is insufficient books equipment for students to use. Teachers often use their own money to purchase basic classroom equipment... classes are now not only larger than they were, but teachers are teaching two distinct levels of student, and sometimes two or three different subjects at the same time."

Both major parties have also committed to upgrading and building new facilities in regional WA, including Carnarvon Community College and Margaret River Senior High School.

But Ms Byrne said there needed to be steps in place to help fill teaching positions in the new planned schools.

"Rent increases for those in Government Regional Officer Housing are a problem and for new teachers earning less money this can be the difference between staying in a town or leaving," she said.

"The quality of some housing is also of concern and is a disincentive to go to the country."

Regional teachers and TAFE lecturers were informed there would be a 15 per cent, or $60 per fortnight, rent increase in 2016.

One Kimberley-Pilbara SSTUWA member said the state of government housing in the area was extremely poor.

"We already have distance, heat and challenging work environments to deal with," the member said.

"Such an increase will be detrimental to attracting and retaining staff. The key to good education for students in the north is teachers building strong relationships with them and their families and this takes several years, which is why it is imperative we have conditions that make teachers want to stay."

The inability to attract and retain teaching staff has had implications on the quality of education received in some regional schools.

"The issue is not the quality of the teachers, it is that they may not be qualified to teach a particular subject area. This is an ongoing issue- no political party has addressed it up until now," Ms Byrne said.

The Labor Party has committed to re-instating 120 teachers and 300 education assistants if elected in March, while the Liberal Party has presently made no commitment to increasing staff members across the state.

In a statement, Education Minister Peter Collier defended the amount of teaching staff appointed to WA public schools and praised the Liberal Government for its commitment to provide $4.97 billion in public school funding throughout 2017 and 2018.

"There are nearly 23,000 public school teachers in classrooms and more than 7,500 education assistants supporting students," Mr Collier said.

"There are a record number of students this year - more than 450,000 with nearly 300,000 in public schools alone - and there is a teacher in front of every classroom across the State."

However Education Shadow Minister Sue Ellery said the Liberal Party would continue to pay for its 2013 funding cut mistakes and the number of teaching staff 'in front of every classroom' was still not good enough.

"The Liberal-National Government's huge cuts to education has left them with no credibility when it comes to education in regional Western Australia," she said.

"It's vital regional kids are given the support they need in the classroom. Providing the right support for students has a flow-on effect to entire communities."