Federal Politics


Why Malcolm Turnbull should forget about Bill Shorten and show leadership on penalty rates

Malcolm Turnbull needs to change tack if he is to have any prospect of neutralising the debate on Sunday penalty rates in the retail and hospitality industries, let alone winning it – and change tack fast.

The time for pretending the national government does not have a view on workplace relations has long passed its use-by date. The time for leadership has arrived.

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The Treasurer has been grilled about what he thinks the outcome of a cut in penalty rates will be, refusing to give his opinion.

Turnbull has the opportunity to do what Bill Shorten should have done: lay out a plan to accept the thrust of the decision and the logic that underpins it, but protect the pay packets of those low paid workers who are in no position to absorb a cut.

This would involve doing two things. The first would be to introduce legislation to give the Fair Work Commission the power to issue orders to protect the take home pay of those affected.

The second would be to make a formal submission to the commission, urging it to use this power to effectively apply a no disadvantage test to the landmark decision.

The alternative is to face a scare campaign on penalty rates all the way to the next election that would make Labor and the ACTU's campaign of 2007 against John Howard's WorkChoices seem tame.


Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has confirmed that the commission has given the government cover by requesting it make a submission on how the decision to reduce Sunday and public holiday rates should be implemented.

Until now, the government's sole strategy has been to distance itself from the decision and accuse Shorten of hypocrisy. Only on Tuesday, almost a week after the decision was released, did Turnbull assert explicitly that he supported the decision.

Yes, Shorten's hypocrisy is breathtaking, and Turnbull is in order reminding the Parliament of all the Labor leader has said about respecting the independence of the workplace umpire - and how Shorten appointed Iain Ross, the judge who presided over the full bench that delivered the decision.

Consider Shorten's words when he appointed Ross in 2012.

"I am confident that under Justice Ross and his team, FWA will continue to build on its excellent reputation for impartial arbitration, expert advice on workplace relations issues, an important role in strengthening the Australian economy and the practical enforcement of entitlements for employers and employees."

But the charge of hypocrisy won't cut through so long as Shorten can assert that Turnbull is supporting wage cuts for the most vulnerable and tax cuts for the big end of town.

The longer this charge goes unanswered, the more credibility Shorten and ACTU president Ged Kearney will have in preparing for what Shorten has dubbed "the fight Labor was born for".

What has been missing for much of the debate in the last week is this simple reality: the Fair Work Commission concluded that cutting penalty rates immediately would hurt those who earn just enough to cover their weekly expenses and stated that "appropriate transitional arrangements" would be necessary to mitigate the hardship caused to employees who work on Sundays".

To this end, the commission invited submissions and canvassed a number of options including:

  • Delaying any changes for 12 months, as suggested by the Productivity Commission, though the full bench argued this would impose an unnecessary delay on the introduction of any reduction in Sunday penalty rates and would give rise to a sharp fall in earnings for some at the end of the 12 month period

  • Issuing "take home pay orders", if they were available option

  • Preserving Sunday penalty rates for all existing employees by a devise known as "red circling', though this would involve businesses running two payrolls and be a disincentive to keep people on at the higher rate

  • Phasing in the change over a number of years – with the commission favouring at least two but fewer than five instalments

"The period of adjustment required will depend on the extent of the reduction in Sunday penalty rates, the availability of 'take home pay orders' and the circumstances applying to each modern award," the commission has said.

Labor should have leapt on this opportunity, rather than introduce legislation to render the decision "inoperable" and ban the commission from making any variation to reduce take-home party - an approach that invites future governments to usurp the umpire's role.

One problem for Turnbull is that any proactive action would be a departure from the gun shy, hands-off approach the Coalition has taken on workplace relations since winning back government. The commission received almost 6000 submissions in this case, including from state and territory governments, but not a peep from the government most responsible for economic management.

Another is that it would invite criticism from those who argue the decision should be implemented immediately, though it should be noted that many employers would support the changes being phased in.

The upside is that showing leadership would represent a reversion to what used to be the case, with the national government invariably making submissions on how it sees the national interest best being served and then respecting the decision of the umpire.

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