
Jon Stewart returns to TV to mock media on 'breakup' with Donald Trump

With his nightly satirical digs at the current US administration, Stephen Colbert has been leading the late-night comedy resistance against Donald Trump.

But on yesterday's episode, he got some help from a formidable old friend: his former Daily Show host, Jon Stewart.

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After persistent goading at the Oscars by host Jimmy Kimmel, US President Donald Trump finally takes the bait, albeit two days later and on his network of choice.

Stewart, who left his award-winning post in 2015 to run a farm and animal sanctuary in New Jersey with his wife Tracey, came out of retirement for the appearance, angrily emerging from under Colbert's desk.

"This whole thing just makes me crazy!" he said about the current state of US politics. "I spend the whole day yelling about Trump to the animals."

But the comedian, who has a chequered history with Trump – way before he was criticising Meryl, Trump was already tweeting about Stewart's own "totally overrated" stature – took a surprising tack.

Rather than the expected knife-twisting into Trump, Stewart turned his bristling ire to the media instead, skewering the consternation that's beset news commentary following the administration's recent press blackouts and "fake news" epithets.


His message? "Stop whining" and get back to the job of holding Trump accountable.

"Hey media, so I heard Donald Trump broke up with you. Stings a little, doesn't it?" Stewart joked, taking on the role of agony aunt.

"Finally thought you'd met your match: a blabbermouth who's as thin-skinned and narcissistic as you are. Well, now it's over. Good riddance, I say! Kick him to the curb. It is time for you to get your groove back, media."

With trademark intensity, the comedian went on to criticise the media's obsession with Trump, levelling his rage at one of his other consistent targets, CNN.

"'Let's face facts, you kind of let yourself go a little bit these past few years," Stewart said.

"Put on a few pundits. Obsessing 24 hours a day, seven days a week about this one guy. 'What's Donny up to? Did he say anything about us?'. And the whole time you're chasing after Donny, the rest of us are thinking, 'Can't you see he's an asshole?'".

Trump's ever-iffy relationship with the press is currently at its rockiest, with recent actions taken by his administration labelled "petulant" and "undemocratic".

Last week, Trump's Press Secretary Sean Spicer was criticised over a media ban which saw reporters from CNN, the New York Times, Politico, the Los Angeles Times and BuzzFeed barred from a White House press briefing.

Trump also announced via Twitter that he wouldn't be attending the White House Correspondents' Dinner, the annual black tie sit-down and lighthearted roasting regularly attended by presidents, celebrities, journalists and Washington insiders.

"Here's my point, media," Stewart continued. "This breakup with Donald Trump has given you an amazing opportunity for self-reflection and improvement.

"Instead of worrying whether Donald Trump thinks you are the enemy or if he's being mean to you... do something for yourself," he added. "Take up a hobby. I recommend journalism."