
Behind the crisis: Marx's dialectics of value and knowledge - Guglielmo Carchedi

Much has been written since Capital was first published, and more recently after the demise of the Soviet Union and the consequent triumph of neoliberalism, about the irrelevance, inconsistency, and obsoleteness of Marx. This has been attributed to his unworkable method of inquiry.

On the dialectical method - Amadeo Bordiga

Article by Amadeo Bordiga, published in Prometeo, November 1950, examining dialectics.

The political philosophy of Bakunin: scientific anarchism - G.P. Maximoff

From the scattered writings of Bakunin, G.P. Maximoff has selected those pertinent theoretical sections that give the reader a complete statement of Bakunin's politics in Bakunin's own words. In addition to Bakunin's text, the book contains a definitive biographical sketch of Bakunin written by Max Nettlau, an introduction by Rudolph Rocker, and a preface by Bert F. Hoselitz.

Journal of the Communist Academy

Вестник Коммунистической академии Вестник Социалистической академии

Scanned issues of Vestnik Kommunisticheskoj Akademii for 1922–31, with a translated index for issues nr. 1–36 (1922–29).

International Council Correspondence Volume 6, Number 2

New Essays. A Quarterly Devoted to the Study of Modern Society (International Council Correspondence), Vol. 6, no. 2, Fall 1942

Marx's dialectic - Paul Mattick Jr.

Paul Mattick Jr.'s conspectus of Marx's dialectic in relation to Hegel's dialectic and Logic. Mattick argues against such Marxists as Lenin that Hegel's Logic is imperative to an understanding of Marx's logic in Capital.