
Osama bin Laden's son-in-law, a senior al-Qaeda leader, killed in drone strike

Washington: A senior official of al-Qaeda was killed Sunday in Syria by a US drone strike, a US official confirmed on Wednesday.

The terrorist leader, Abu al-Khayr al-Masri, 59, was the second-ranking official after Ayman al-Zawahri and was a son-in-law to al-Qaeda's founder, Osama bin Laden.

Jihadi social media carried reports of the attack Sunday, including photos of the vehicle purportedly struck by the drone. The strike was said to have taken place in Idlib province in northwest Syria, where the Pentagon stepped up airstrikes against top al-Qaeda operatives in the last two months, killing several important figures.

Charles Lister, a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute and an expert on the war in Syria, said in an email that the death of al-Masri was the most significant blow to al-Qaeda's global network since the killing of Nasir al-Wuhayshi, al-Qaeda's No. 2 official at the time, in a drone strike in Yemen in June 2015.

Al-Masri was "jihadi royalty, meaning his death will almost certainly necessitate some form of response, whether from Syria or elsewhere in the world," Mr Lister said.

The killing of the al-Qaeda leader was previously reported by CNN and The Guardian. It was confirmed by a US official who declined to be identified because he was discussing classified intelligence reports


Photographs of the vehicle al-Masri was said to be travelling in when attacked reveal unusual details for such a strike: The vehicle sustained no major explosive damage, but a projectile clearly struck it directly through the car roof. This suggests the precision strike was either a dud or the United States deliberately used an inert warhead to kill its target by high-velocity impact, avoiding possible civilian casualties with an explosive warhead.

An Egyptian, al-Masri real's name was Abdullah Muhammad Rajab Abd al-Rahman. A veteran of jihadi conflicts in Egypt, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Pakistan, he was a longtime member of al-Qaeda's highly secretive Shura Council, and was the terrorist group's key intermediary with its affiliates and other jihadi groups across the world, Mr Lister said.

His marriage to one of bin Laden's daughters placed him at the centre of al-Qaeda's hierarchy, and US counterterrorism officials believe he was directly involved in the 1998 bombing of US embassies in East Africa that killed more than 200 people.

The New York Times