
Australia Day: Survey shows a majority aren't sure what it commemorates

More than seven in 10 voters say Australia Day is important to them but a majority of the population can't accurately name the event it commemorates, new polling has revealed.

When a representative sample of voters was asked to identify the historical event marked on Australia Day from a list of six possible alternatives, only 43 per cent correctly named the landing of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788.

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One in five said Australia Day commemorated the discovery of Australia by Captain Cook while one in six said it was the anniversary of Federation. Smaller proportions said the national day marked the date of a treaty with indigenous people (7 per cent), the date Australia stopped being a colony of Great Britain (6 per cent) or the date of an important battle in World War I (2 per cent).

The poll was taken in early February in the wake of protests on Australia Day demanding the date be changed because of the atrocities, hardship and dispossession suffered by indigenous people following the landing of the First Fleet. An "Invasion Day" march in Sydney on January 26 ended in violent clashes between police and protesters.

Support for a new date was strongest among younger people and weakest among older Australians. One quarter of those aged under-35 favoured a date change (24%) compared with 12 per cent of those aged over 55 years. Only 6 per cent of One Nation voters were in favour of changing the date compared with 44 per cent of Greens voters. Among the major parties, 8 per cent of Coalition voters and 21 per cent of Labor votes wanted to change the date of Australia Day.


Respondents were also asked to rate the importance of changing the date of Australia Day compared with becoming a republic or changing the flag. A little over half (53 per cent) said they didn't want any of those changes, 30 per cent said becoming a republic was most important, 11 per cent gave top priority to changing the date of Australia Day and 6 per cent nominated changing the flag.

The survey was conducted by research firm Review Partners, in association with Survey Sampling International, to investigate community attitudes towards Australia Day.

Report author Paul Costantoura said one of the most surprising findings from the study was "the poor understanding" of basic historical facts.

"Australia Day is one of the most significant historical anniversaries in our calendar. However, only 43 per cent of people could pick the correct event in history out of a list of six possible alternatives," he said.

Only 24 per cent of under-35s were able to pick the correct event that Australia Day commemorates. But even among over-55s only half (51 per cent) knew it was the anniversary of the landing of the First Fleet, led by Captain Arthur Phillip, at Sydney Cove 1788.

The survey found 72 per cent consider Australia Day "important" or "very important" while 40 per cent did something special on January 26 this year to recognise the day. One third of respondents organised or attended a BBQ on Australia Day.