Daily Life

The women of the Democrat Party are wearing the suffragette uniform to Congress

What women are wearing in the corridors of power is making headline news for all the right reasons in the United States.

In the lead up to President Donald Trump's first major address to Congress, Senator Lois Frankel, a Democrat representative from Florida, is leading the charge by wearing white, a symbol of the suffragist movement.

"Tonight, Democratic Members will wear suffragette white to oppose Republican attempts to roll back women's progress," she tweeted and kicked off the #WomenWearWhite hashtag.

​"We wear white to unite against any attempts by the Trump administration to roll back the incredible progress women have made in the last century, and we will continue to support the advancement of all women," Frankel said via a statement released to Vox. "We will not go back."

Frankel is the Beyonce of the party.


She's the chair of the House Democratic Women's Working Group. A group of 66 Democratic women members, many of whom she has mobilised for the movement and are expected to take part in this fashion statement.

When they are not syncing up their wardrobes, the group advocates for pay equality, reproductive health services and paid sick and family leave.

Since the inauguration they have been particularly vocal about some of Trump's "achievements" that have wound back women's progress. 

Just three days after taking office he reinstated the "global gag rule", also known as the Mexican City policy. A Reagan-era piece of legislation that prevents financial aid from the US funding non-government organisations that provide or advise on abortions and access to contraception for about 27 million women in developing countries.

That executive order came just hours after the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a Supreme Court ruling that recognises abortion as a constitutional right.

Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi was, for a politician, refreshingly enthusiastic about the latest campaign by her party's working group.  

"​Tonight, our Democratic #WomenWearWhite in support of women's rights - in spite of a POTUS who doesn't!," she tweeted.

"Keep your eye out tonight as Democratic #WomenWearWhite in support of women's rights during the Joint Session."

The Elle Woods of their squad, Hillary Clinton previously wore white during the presidential campaign.

White was the colour of her suit for the final leader's debate.

She also donned a snowy look at the Democratic convention where she first accepted the party's nomination, following in the footsteps of Geraldine Ferraro who, in 1984, also wore white as she accepted the nomination as the first female Vice-President.

Clinton, following her failed bid at the presidency, wore purple to present her concession speech. 

All deliberate looks that fall into the suffragette colour scheme, according to the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage

Purple is the look of "loyalty, constancy to purpose, unswerving steadfastness to a cause". While white is "the emblem of purity, symbolises the quality of our purpose."