
Archives: American Jews

Muhammad Cartoon Ad Blocked From DC Metro

Muhammad Cartoon Ad Blocked From DC Metro

Jo Ankier and Nik Zecevic | (The Lip TV) | (Video) |- "A Prophet Muhammad cartoon ad has been blocked by Washington DC’s transport authority who voted unanimously on Thursday to suspend…
Netanyahu Doesn’t Speak For These Jews

Netanyahu Doesn’t Speak For These Jews

AJ+ | - "Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he came to Congress to share his fears about Iran on behalf of all Jewish people. But these protesters and artists say “Bibi…
The Military Diminishment of Judaism

The Military Diminishment of Judaism

By Shalom Goldman In our time, Judaism, in all of its magnificent complexity and subtlety, has been reduced to supporting "team Israel" -- whatever its policies or methods. Yes, American Jews, according…
Quashing Jewish Dissent on Israel

Quashing Jewish Dissent on Israel

By Shalom Goldman A New Yorker cartoon of a few years back shows Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. Looking at Moses, one Israelite says to the other, “Well, he’s…