Comments for Informed Comment Thoughts on the Middle East, History and Religion Wed, 01 Mar 2017 20:58:57 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Sorry, Trump, China’s cut-back on Coal Dooms Industry by Juan Cole Wed, 01 Mar 2017 20:58:57 +0000 Solar and wind are cheaper than natural gas both in absolute terms and especially if you take into account environmental impact.

Comment on Sorry, Trump, China’s cut-back on Coal Dooms Industry by Mike Wed, 01 Mar 2017 19:11:23 +0000 So Trump is going to revitalise the US coal mining industry, bring jobs back to Appllachia and the flyover states where coal mining was decimated by Obama .? Simple facts show this is all fantasy: mining coal is an expensive business and only profitable if the price of energy is high. But gas, produced in abundance and at comparatively low cost, is cheaper than coal, which increasingly will not be able to compete. Coal can be mined, extensively and at fairly low cost, but only by highly mechanised surface mining methods that require limited labour inputs. Mountain top removal and strip mining are horrendously bad for the landscape and the environment and do not provide much employment. Trump simply cannot ensure that coal mining returns to the old mining areas and that superannuated miners will get their jobs back.

Comment on Sorry, Trump, China’s cut-back on Coal Dooms Industry by Gary Page Wed, 01 Mar 2017 18:39:14 +0000 Good analogy with the video store employees. I have used an analogy of Trump being like someone in 1910 vowing to maintain employment in the horse drawn carriage industry. BTW, before automobiles, horse manure was becoming a major problem in large cities so that cars were actually better for public health at that time. What is amazing is that anybody buys Trump’s snake oil.

Comment on Sorry, Trump, China’s cut-back on Coal Dooms Industry by bfearn Wed, 01 Mar 2017 18:32:19 +0000 Coal is crappy but when it comes to climate change Liquid Natural Gas is worse. Read why here – link to
Chins is now the biggest carbon polluter however if you deduct the carbon produced making all the crap that the US orders from China then the US is still the biggest polluter. Not oly that but the biggest share of the man made carbon added to the atosphere is from the US, by far.

Comment on ISIL: In Iraq’s desert, mass grave horror beneath the dirt by getoffmedz Wed, 01 Mar 2017 17:59:12 +0000 A reminder: How to balloon “the deficit” and topple the economy. Bush/ Cheney did it with tax cuts, deregulation and unending war especially a failed international conspiracy to secure Iraq’s oil, the distribution system and terminal assets plunging the entire region into continuous war and the ensuing continued killing of innocents.

So, how does this maladministration plan to “Make America Great, Again?”

• Tax cuts for the top.
• “Incentive tax cuts” in lieu of actual infrastructure improvements.
• Increased military spending including thermonuclear.
• Permit industry to re-pollute our air, rivers and streams.
• . . . ”unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.” Sounds expensive in tax dollars and in brown-skinned dead and maimed, mostly Muslim.

Comment on Further Wave of Bomb Threats against Jewish Centers: Rise of US Far Right by Greg Bacon Wed, 01 Mar 2017 17:23:14 +0000 Fine, get the phone number and do a GPS trace on their phone and see where it leads.

While your at it, do a story on that Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem that Israel paved over with a ‘Museum of Tolerance,’ if you can w/o getting in trouble with the PTB

Comment on Further Wave of Bomb Threats against Jewish Centers: Rise of US Far Right by getoffmedz Wed, 01 Mar 2017 15:23:03 +0000 The freshman POTUS blames the previous actual President and supporters for these attacks. Never mind the h8 was released like a pack of hounds by the pandering to bigotry during the never-ending Presidential campaign. The maladministration now sports the racist a•••ole Jeff Sessions as a payoff to the white inbred, FAS retards who bullied for Trump in the Red States last year.

More likely the dogwhistles constantly being emitted are responsible for this anti-Semitic stupidity. The drunken Neo-Nazi Steve Bannon induced ’America First’ is a phrase first used and historically identified with the anti-Semitic, pro-fascist ‘America First’ movement of the 1930s. Ironic to see 45 condemn anti-Semitic and racist attacks as the introduction to his first speech to Congress. But he made them happen as sure as if he tipped those gravestones, himself.

The saddest episode in our once great history is the fact that White Americans are easily motivated by h8 and LIES! enough to allow this coup to get started in the first place.

Here is a thorough collection of the pure venom that oozed from Trump over the past decade or so and what made him so attractive to voters. link to
Perusing this archive will reveal what petty small-minded h8 looks like – Donald J. Trump, a DEFECTIVE President.

Comment on Sorry, Trump, China’s cut-back on Coal Dooms Industry by Tom_b Wed, 01 Mar 2017 13:05:14 +0000 “[coal] now employs only 86,000 or so people, including 57,000 or so miners. In contrast, there were 370,000 people working in solar electricity generation in 2016, a 25% increase over the previous year” Whether talking about drilling and mining, or brazenly running leaky pipelines across other people’s lands, backed up by paramilitary thugs called out by corrupt local governments, “renewable” jobs are invisible to Republicans. This is because the carbon industries were too stupid to diversify into wind and solar, finding it easier to bribe rent-a-legislators, and for that failing, the planet pays the price. I want to scream when fools talk about coal jobs or pipeline jobs because the conversation ignores (deliberately) the fact that alternatives to polluting jobs exist.
