
Archives: February 2017

Taking Iraq’s Oil

Taking Iraq’s Oil

By Edward Hunt | (Foreign Policy in Focus | Originally published in Lobelog. Trump wants Iraq's oil, and he's not interested in sharing. The leaders of the United States have provided many…

Trump’s Statue against Liberty

By Daniel Martin Varisco | ( MENA Tidningen ) | - - In 1886, slightly more than a century after the birth of the United States of America, the government of France…
Here we go Again: Trump Admin Threatens Iran

Here we go Again: Trump Admin Threatens Iran

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - National Security Advisor Mike Flynn came out on Wednesday to make a brief statement putting Iran "on notice." Flynn complained about Iran's ballistic…
Why Trump’s Muslim ban is bad for business

Why Trump’s Muslim ban is bad for business

By Shainaz Firfiray | (The Conversation) | - - Donald Trump’s executive order to restrict immigration from seven countries has sparked widespread criticism from several quarters, including the business world. Not only…