
Archives: June 2010

Turkey Forbids Israeli Military Overflights

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Sunday in Toronto in the wake of the G20 conference that Turkey will no longer routinely give Israeli military aircraft permission to fly in Turkish…

Public Souring on the Afghanistan War

If you've lost Rory Stewart, you've lost the war. Rory Stewart is a young British conservative, who once walked Afghanistan and later governed the Iraqi province of Maysan in 2003-2004 under Paul…

Jindal idles National Guardsmen He Demanded

CBS reports that after jumping up and down demanding Federal government resources for Louisiana to deal with the BP Gulf oil gusher, Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal has only put to work about…
On Ghana

On Ghana

Since the US is playing Ghana today, I thought it would be nice to mirror some video on, like, Ghana. So here is a Worldbusiness report on Ghana's remarkable economic progress and…

Top Ten News that is Not News

10. "Tropical Depression Stirs Concern." 9. " Financial reform package wouldn't change Wall Street much." 8. " In Afghanistan, Petraeus will have difficulty replicating his Iraq success." 7. BP Stock Reaches all-time…

Lessons of Petraeus’ Iraq for Petraeus’ Afghanistan

President Obama's appointment of Gen. David Petraeus to succeed Gen. Stanley McChrystal as commander of US forces in Afghanistan signaled a continued commitment by the White House to a large-scale counter-insurgency campaign…

Obama’s MacArthur Moment? McChrystal Disses Biden

Gen. Stanley McChrystal is apologizing for remarks he made in a Rolling Stone interview denigrating Vice President Joe Biden and US Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry. McChrystal is said to have asked…
Obama Launches Green Equivalent of Moon Mission

Obama Launches Green Equivalent of Moon Mission

President Obama for the first time addressed the nation from the Oval Office on Tuesday evening, on the Gulf of Mexico oil volcano. The address came as scientists revised upward their estimate…

Big Oil’s Predations are not Your Fault

No, the BP oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico is not your fault, despite what many pundits will tell you. Back in the 1960s when the environmental movement got going, major…
The Greens in Iran are a Movement, not a Coup

The Greens in Iran are a Movement, not a Coup

Small protests broke out around Iran on June 12, the anniversary of the 2009 presidential election, which protesters say was stolen by the country's clerical Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on behalf of…
Gaza Humanitarian Workers Release Video

Gaza Humanitarian Workers Release Video

Democracy Now! interviews Iara Lee about the video she managed to get past Israeli jamming, from the Israeli raid on the Mavi Marmara aid ship in international waters. She later that day…
Video Shows Israeli Commando Executing American

Video Shows Israeli Commando Executing American

Update: Paul Woodward has discovered an earlier video posted to the Web from which the following was apparently culled, via what he calls 'creative editing.' Obviously, raw footage is preferable, but it…

Jewish Gaza Aid Flotilla Planned

Now a German Jewish organization, Jewish Voice for Peace in the Middle East, is planning an aid flotilla to Gaza! Please send them money. There are over 250,000 Jews in contemporary Germany,…

The Big Mistake in the New BP Ad

Uh, BP, fire that Public Relations firm you hired to make a new commercial. They gave you some good advice and some rotten advice. We wanted some empathy from BP - Check…

American Citizen Killed by Israeli Navy

Hey, Tea Party. A foreign navy boarded an unarmed ship flying the flag of a NATO member in international waters and shot dead an American citizen with four bullets to the head…

The Hypocrisy of Netanyahu

The sloppy Israeli propaganda effort against the Free Gaza humanitarian flotilla has been so bad that the pictures released by the Israeli army have been tagged by alert bloggers as forgeries, some…