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Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
March 1, 2017 Disclaimer: Please read.

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Evan Vucci / AP

Watch President Trump’s First Major Address to Congress, Here

Although not exactly a State of the Union address, the speech before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night bore a close resemblance to one.


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Beware of Another Reichstag Fire

The lessons of the Holocaust warn against authoritarianism and the danger of a single crisis solidifying power.
Mr. Fish / Truthdig

The Return of American Race Laws

The campaign to deport millions is a first step toward the clash of civilizations that the white supremacists in the White House believe is inevitable at home and abroad.
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Using a thong metaphor, the “Last Week Tonight” host explains why Republicans’ plans to replace the flawed Affordable Care Act are disastrous.

In an interview by Truthdig’s Robert Scheer, the Middle East scholar also says that Islamic terrorism is overreported in the U.S. and criticizes the linking of violence and religion.

In Afghanistan, America’s Biggest Foe Is Self-Deception

That a few thousand troops could reverse the present situation and ensure progress toward victory is a fantasy.

Spring Moves Forward at a Record Rate

As global warming throws the seasons out of sync, an early spring causes problems for flora and fauna in the northern hemisphere.

Trump Says New York Contracts Brought Him $21 Million. It Was Actually Much Less.

The president’s financial disclosure forms reveal that he earned no more than half of what he claimed.

Here’s How Trump Turns Lies Into Half-Truths (Video)

The media needs to do a better job of exposing the lies told by the president.



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Bernie Sanders Takes On Drug Pricing (Again), This Time With Help From ‘Big-Pharma Dems’

Lawmakers call on President Trump to make good on his campaign promises and back their bill when he addresses Congress on Tuesday night.

Is ‘Christianized Fascism’ the Biggest Threat We Face Under Trump? (Video)

“I think that the Christian right is a far more dangerous movement than the alt-right,” says Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges.

Retired Col. Larry Wilkerson: Trump’s Military Spending Plan Is ‘Disastrous’ and ‘Absurd’

Wilkerson and Paul Jay, senior editor of The Real News Network, discuss the proposed Pentagon budget increase.

Who Says It Can’t Happen Here?

We have endured 40 years of creeping authoritarianism, which now may run right over democracy.

Exposing the Myth of the American Dream (Video)

A new two-part video documentary reveals the divided nature of the United States—and the dissatisfaction with corporate power.



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Tesla Is Accused of Fostering a Hostile Work Environment for Women

A female engineer sues the electric-car company, alleging she faced “pervasive harassment” and a sexist corporate culture.

Chris Hedges and Theater Director JoAnne Akalaitis Lament the State’s Assault on the Arts (Video)

Akalaitis tells the host of “On Contact” that lack of public support for the theater means we’ve lost “the soul of a society.”

Bernie Sanders and Bill Nye Tackle Climate Issues in the Age of Trump (Video)

The Vermont senator and the “Science Guy” take to Facebook Live to discuss the president’s disavowal of climate change.

Justice Department Appears to Be Retreating on Voting Rights

The DOJ, now overseen by Trump appointee Jeff Sessions, says it has abandoned the Obama-era position that a Texas voter ID law intentionally discriminated against minorities.

Yes, Obama Is Causing Some of Trump’s Woes, but Not in the Way the President Imagines

On “Fox and Friends,” Donald Trump alleges that his predecessor is behind the leaks and angry crowds bedeviling the White House.

Trump’s War on Immigrants Has Already Reached the Supreme Court

A series of cases on the current docket—not the president’s “Muslim ban”—has brought the contentious issue of immigration to the nation’s top court.