New Report: The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

New report now available:

“The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same” – the report of the Peer Advocacy Outreach Project on racial profiling across Melbourne.

The project, undertaken by Daniel Haile Michael and Maki Issa, used a peer advocacy model to outreach to young people across Melbourne and learn about their experiences of policing as well as workers in the field to understand the supports in place for young people.


The report claims racially discrimination by Victoria Police continues throughout Metropolitan Melbourne despite recent efforts to curb racial profiling. It also highlights the profound psychological and exclusionary impacts of racialised policing.

Daniel and Maki spoke with young people in Sunshine, Flemington, Noble Park and Dandenong about their experiences with police and found that negative experiences at the hands of police were common, public occurrences and caused anxiety, isolation and fear.

The report also found that youth and community workers who were approached by young people with complaints against police did not have the skills or resources to help young people make formal complaints.

Through the project, Daniel and Maki also shared their experiences as lead applicants in the landmark Race Discrimination Case with the young people they connected with.

This report shares their findings and reflects on developments since they began their legal action to hold police to account 10 years ago.

The project has been funded by the Ben Bodna Award, The Besen Family Foundation and the Assia Altman Fund or the Australian Communities Foundation.

The report was officially launched at 5.00pm Tuesday 14th July, 2015 at the Multicultural Hub, Melbourne

Download the report More Things Change_report_softcopy(PDF)



Media coverage of the report:

Daniel Haile-Michael and Maki Issa co-author report into Victoria Police racial profiling, Tamara Heath, Moonee Valley Leader, July 14, 2015

RACIALLY discriminative policing is “as common as being asked to pay for goods at a store” for young men of African and refuge backgrounds, according to a Flemington and Kensington Community Legal Centre report…

Report reveals young Africans feel victimised by police, Rebecca David, Dandenong Leader, July 14, 2015

YOUNG African men in Noble Park and Dandenong say they are regularly subjected to racial profiling by Victorian police, ranging from serious assaults and racial taunts to public ridicule, a new report reveals….

Racial discrimination and harassment still rife in Victoria police, study finds, Oliver Milman, Guardian Australia, 14 July 2015

Africans Daniel Haile-Michael and Maki Issa, who were part of a landmark case alleging racial bias against Victorian police, say young migrants still live in fear…

Young migrants avoiding Melbourne CBD because of police behaviour: Legal Centre report, ABC World Today, 14th July 2015

Vic police seek details on racial profiling assault allegations, Tom Nightingale, ABC World Today, Tuesday 14 July 2015

 The Victorian Police service is asking for clarification about allegations that some of its police officers have assaulted African-Australians…


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