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Tag: Immigration

Sweden Attacks! (Video)

Posted on Feb 23, 2017 ENLARGE


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Mexico Says Deporting Non-Mexicans to Mexico Is a ‘Non-Starter’

On the eve of a meeting between Mexico’s president and American officials, Mexico rejected the latest U.S. immigration proposal.

Posted on Feb 23, 2017 READ MORE

Challenging Trump on Immigration

Emily Robinson and Alejandro Barajas, both of the Loyola Immigrant Justice Clinic, met with Truthdig on Thursday to discuss plans to fight the president’s new policies.

Posted on Feb 22, 2017 WATCH & LISTEN

By Hunting Down the Law-Abiding Undocumented, Trump Harms Us All (Video)

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly’s ramping up of deportation measures contains many hidden dangers.

Posted on Feb 22, 2017 READ MORE

Welcome to the Police State of America for Immigrants

Donald Trump’s new orders give immigration officials and local cops around the country new and almost unlimited power to enforce a vague law.

Posted on Feb 21, 2017 READ MORE

Trump Administration’s New Immigration Plans, Part 2

The president released two memorandums Tuesday, expanding the crackdown on undocumented immigrants. Here is the plan for enforcing immigration laws. Read Part 1 below, on the plan for implementing border security.

Posted on Feb 21, 2017 READ MORE

Trump Administration’s New Immigration Plans, Part 1

The president released two memorandums Tuesday, expanding the crackdown on undocumented immigrants. Here is the plan to implement border security. Read Part 2 above, on the plan for enforcing immigration laws.

Posted on Feb 21, 2017 READ MORE

Sweden Becomes the New Poster Country for the U.S. Immigration Debate

Riots in a Swedish suburb Tuesday reinforced conservative arguments for stricter immigration policy, and Donald Trump’s falsehoods are getting lost in the shuffle.

Posted on Feb 21, 2017 READ MORE

Trump Administration Issues ‘Sweeping Rewrite’ of Immigration Policies

New guidelines expand the current crackdown on undocumented immigration and increase the number of people who can be deported.

Posted on Feb 21, 2017 READ MORE

Republicans Push a Corporate Tax Plan That Could Cost Americans a Bundle

By Robert Reich /

Here’s what you should know about the so-called “border adjustment tax.”

Posted on Feb 19, 2017 WATCH & LISTEN

Trump Lied About Immigrant Crime and Terror Attack on Sweden That Never Happened

It is clear that the president and his advisers despise Sweden and Germany for sheltering more than their fair share of refugees since the crisis began.

Posted on Feb 19, 2017 READ MORE

Santa Monica, Calif., Dumps Wells Fargo Over DAPL Funding

The city’s progressive agenda includes a new measure to shield residents from discriminatory acts by the Trump administration.

Posted on Feb 17, 2017 READ MORE

Hispanic House Democrats Blast ‘Dictatorial Shenanigans’ at Immigration Meeting

Two members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are banned from a major discussion of immigration raids and detentions.

Posted on Feb 17, 2017 READ MORE

Immigration Agency Quietly Accelerates Deportations of Central American Mothers and Children

Three families are to be expelled Friday, including a 19-year-old mother and her toddler.

Posted on Feb 16, 2017 READ MORE

Court Takes Trump to the Woodshed for a Lesson on Judicial Review

The “Muslim ban” has been addressed under a time-honored scrutiny. But with the president’s team sending mixed signals, the question is: Has the administration learned anything?

Posted on Feb 14, 2017 READ MORE

Melissa McCarthy Skewers Sean Spicer Again on ‘Saturday Night Live’

The comedian, whose first impersonation of the White House press secretary went viral, zeroes in on President Trump’s travel ban and the Ivanka Trump-Nordstrom debacle.

Posted on Feb 12, 2017 WATCH & LISTEN

In Trump Times, the Enemies of Our Enemies Are Not Necessarily Our Friends

How can we recognize who our allies are in the mixed-up world of the new president?

Posted on Feb 10, 2017 READ MORE

Court Rules Against Trump, Keeping Immigration Ban on Hold for Now

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sides with a lower court, saying that reinstating the ban—even temporarily—would cause harm.

Posted on Feb 9, 2017 READ MORE

Los Angeles City Council Prepares Defenses Against Trump’s Policies

The council takes steps to protect against faith-based discrimination and provide aid to travelers detained at LAX.

Posted on Feb 9, 2017 READ MORE

Trump’s Tweets Are a Sideshow: His Executive Orders Are Building a Corporate State

The Trump era heralds a growing assault on basic government and progressive values.

Posted on Feb 7, 2017 READ MORE

Indian Giver

Posted on Feb 7, 2017 ENLARGE    

‘This Land’: The Pro-Immigrant Radicalism of Lady Gaga and Woody Guthrie at the Super Bowl

By beginning with “God Bless America” and then switching to “This Land Is Your Land,” Lady Gaga offered a subtle but radical critique of the president’s policies.

Posted on Feb 6, 2017 READ MORE

Politics at the Super Bowl: Commercials Play on Immigration Theme, Lady Gaga Plays It Low-Key

By Kasia Anderson

Despite rumors that there would be a politically charged halftime show and an ensuing boycott from the right, main act Lady Gaga delivered a tame performance, while corporate sponsors took bigger risks.

Posted on Feb 5, 2017 WATCH & LISTEN

‘Saturday Night Live’ Skewers Immigration Ban (Video)

Beck Bennett (pictured) plays a Homeland Security agent in a skit inspired by Donald Trump’s workplace troubles. Also, episode host Kristen Stewart works in a few zingers at the president’s expense.

Posted on Feb 5, 2017 WATCH & LISTEN

Federal Judge Halts Trump’s Immigration Ban

U.S. District Judge James Robart of Seattle, a George W. Bush appointee, suspended Trump’s executive order on the grounds that it is unconstitutional.

Posted on Feb 4, 2017 READ MORE

Straightening It Out [a cartoon from the United Arab Emirates]

Posted on Feb 3, 2017 ENLARGE

Trump’s ‘Shock and Awe’ Campaign and the Early Resistance

The anti-Trump movement needs to do more than elevate the political power of corporate-captive Blue America over corporate-captive Red America.

Posted on Feb 2, 2017 READ MORE

The Wall

Posted on Feb 1, 2017 ENLARGE

Trump Can’t Make America Great Again Without Immigrants (Video)

People like Donald Trump strategist Steve Bannon are doomed to disappointment if they think white birthrates can fuel the country’s economic growth.

Posted on Feb 1, 2017 READ MORE

Senate Democrats Delay Sessions’ Confirmation Amid Concerns Rule of Trump Will Trump Rule of Law

Legislators worry that as attorney general, Sessions will act as a rubber stamp for the president and his policies.

Posted on Jan 31, 2017 READ MORE

Frank Advice

Posted on Jan 31, 2017 ENLARGE    

Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ May Spark a Constitutional Crisis, Says Free Speech Activist

If security agencies are violating a court order to halt the deportation of green card holders and allow the detained to access lawyers, “the rule of law has completely broken down.”

Posted on Jan 30, 2017 READ MORE

America First

Posted on Jan 29, 2017 ENLARGE

American Psychosis

The barrage of lies from demagogues such as Donald Trump creates profound cognitive dissonance among the population that ends in a nationwide collective mental illness.

Posted on Jan 29, 2017 READ MORE

Federal Judge Blocks Part of Trump’s Immigration Ban

Following protests at a number of airports across the country and legal intervention by civil liberties watchdog groups, a U.S. District Court temporarily halts the deportation of people with valid visas or approved refugee papers.

Posted on Jan 28, 2017 READ MORE

Borders [a cartoon from Greece]

Posted on Jan 28, 2017 ENLARGE

Protesters Descend on Kennedy International, Demanding Release of Detained Travelers

Crowds gathered Saturday outside the New York airport, where travelers were held as a result of President Trump’s executive order on refugees.

Posted on Jan 28, 2017 READ MORE

No Crocodile Tears for Cubans ‘Left Behind’ by Obama’s Immigration Change

Cubans were able to enter the U.S. without visas because of the politically driven assumption that they needed to escape the horrors of the Castro regime.

Posted on Jan 28, 2017 READ MORE

From Tweet to Trade War? Trump Upends U.S.-Mexico Relations

It takes the president less than a week to create a major rift with one of the nation’s neighbors and chief trading partners.

Posted on Jan 26, 2017 READ MORE

China Shop

Posted on Jan 26, 2017 ENLARGE

Russell Brand: Trump May Be Terrible, but Neoliberal Global Dominance Flourished Under Obama (Video)

The “Trews” host argues that for those being bombed in Yemen, or whose privacy is being invaded or who face deportation, not much will change under the new president.

Posted on Jan 24, 2017 WATCH & LISTEN

Six Reasons Trump’s Wall Is Even Worse Than Most of His Other Ideas

At his turbulent news conference Wednesday, the president-elect reiterated that he will build a wall along the border with Mexico.

Posted on Jan 16, 2017 READ MORE

Samantha Bee Learns She Should Have Criticized Obama’s Record on Deportations Sooner (Video)

The “Full Frontal” host got a hard dose of reality Wednesday night when she realized Democrats have also been doing some not-so-great things to immigrants.

Posted on Jan 12, 2017 WATCH & LISTEN

U.K. Violence After the Brexit Vote Might Hold Lessons for America

A divisive vote, with jobs and immigrants the most combustible issues, leaving many anxious about intolerance and the violence that can stem from it. Sound familiar?

Posted on Jan 12, 2017 READ MORE

Breaking Campaign Promise, Trump Now Says U.S. Taxpayers Will Pay for Border Wall

The president-elect took to Twitter to defend his move, claiming that Mexico would reimburse the United States for the cost of construction.

Posted on Jan 6, 2017 READ MORE

Obama, Deporter in Chief, Should Pardon the Undocumented

President Obama can use his immense power of the presidential pardon to de-escalate the war on immigrants, which otherwise threatens to get immeasurably worse under Donald Trump. 

Posted on Jan 5, 2017 READ MORE

Transborder Immigrant Tool Series: What to Expect and Do if Stung by an Arizona Bark Scorpion

The 12th poem in “The Desert Survival Series / La serie de sobrevivencia del desierto” warns those crossing the U.S.-Mexico border that though a sting by an Arizona bark scorpion is, for the most part, not lethal, it requires medical attention.

Posted on Jan 4, 2017 READ MORE

Transborder Immigrant Tool Series: If a Western Diamondback Bites You, ‘Borders Be Damned’

The 11th poem in “The Desert Survival Series / La serie de sobrevivencia del desierto” urges those crossing the border to phone for help immediately in life-and-death situations.

Posted on Dec 27, 2016 READ MORE

Six Important Executive Actions of President Obama That Donald Trump Is Targeting

As the incoming administration threatens to reverse nearly everything Obama has done, even nuclear deals are imperiled.

Posted on Dec 27, 2016 READ MORE

Noam Chomsky’s Bold Request Before President Obama Leaves Office (Video)

The public intellectual released a video Friday saying that “President Obama should issue a general pardon to undocumented immigrants.”

Posted on Dec 25, 2016 READ MORE

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