The library is a public group project supported by anarchists interested in sharing quality texts. The homebrewed code used on the library can be found here

  1. Submit quality anarchist text(s) to the library. The two big areas are - checking for prior entry (always check) and correctly formatted texts, although WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor does most if lucky, with the fine manual of formatting also a necessary option.

  2. Check and edit the texts submitted on library list. Look over and approve / put on hold / send down memory hole. Again, plz see fine manual.

  3. Keep the library alive. Have a look through the wiki to familiarize yourself with what has only partially been recorded: The wish-lists and the classics is a good section for texts that have been recommended by other librarians; please feel free to add there as well. Leaving a contact on the wiki is best, but you can also help edit or create pages without an account.

  4. Contact us. Sometimes you can find librarians or other enthusiasts on IRC by aiming your favourite client towards irc:// or by email