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Important information for agencies: submitting monthly data 

You need to submit extracts to SHOR in chronological order (so October data has to be loaded and validated before you can load your November data, etc). Once all data in the earlier month is confirmed as valid, you can submit your extract for the following month.

If your data contains any errors that must be fixed, you’ll also get an email asking you to log in to SHOR to see what those errors are. You’ll then need to fix the errors in SHIP or your own client management system and resubmit the data through SHOR.

How does SHOR work?  

Jurisdictions (states and territories) submit their Specialist Homelessness Establishment Database (SHED) file to AIHW, containing information about which agencies in the homelessness sector will be reporting data. The agencies collect client data and submit it (securely, minus identifying features) to AIHW’s SHOR website. This website checks (‘validates’) the data and enables agencies to view errors and generate reports.  Legal entities (that is, organisations that receive government funding for their auspiced agencies) and jurisdictions can also track the progress of the data submissions, although they have a reduced level of access to the validation results.

Learn more: How agencies submit data through SHOR (149KB PDF)

What do agencies need to do? 

Once jurisdictions have advised AIHW of agency details, the AIHW emails agency administrators with a user account to access SHOR and submit data. Different users will have different levels of access, for example ‘administrator’, ‘data manager’ and ‘operator’.

Agencies will be responsible for:

  • adding, editing or removing user accounts
  • submitting SHS data (about clients and unassisted persons) each month
  • using the validation software in SHOR to check data is valid, and if required, fixing any data errors and resubmitting the SHS file (Note: you won’t be able to just resubmit your correction – you’ll need to fix any errors and resubmit the entire file). Data for subsequent months cannot be submitted until the previous data passes the SHOR validation process.

What do jurisdictions need to do? 

Jurisdictions will be responsible for notifying the AIHW via the SHED file of the different organisations that are involved in the homelessness services sector, and which of them will be reporting in the SHS collection. This provides the AIHW with data needed to administer the SHS collection, including the details of each agency’s nominated SHOR contact person. Without regularly updated SHED files from the jurisdictions, the AIHW will not be able to accept data from agencies.  

Jurisdictions are also responsible for:

  • checking SHED progress and validating SHED
  • fixing data errors and resubmitting the SHED file, if required
  • endorsing that the agencies you said in the SHED file would be reporting SHS data for a particular month, have actually reported SHS data.

What do legal entities do? 

Legal entities (which fund the agencies) can log on to SHOR to check the progress of their agencies’ reporting efforts.

Keeping data secure and confidential 

All data submitted to AIHW through SHOR is managed in accordance with legal and ethical obligations for privacy, confidentiality and objectivity.

Access to client, unassisted person and agency data within SHOR by authorised staff of AIHW, state/territory governments and homelessness agencies is strictly controlled.

SHOR meets all AIHW security standards and policies. This includes:

  • encrypted connections with data providers
  • a high level of security associated with the IT infrastructure for the project
  • databases stored in a secured partition on the AIHW’s servers
  • monitoring of all access to the system.  

Security arrangements are also in place to receive, process, store and destroy paper forms that contain client data.

Read more about privacy and security of SHS data (128KB PDF) .


For help, phone the AIHW hotline on 1800 627 191 or email: