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NDIMG members only access

The National Disability Information Management Group (NDIMG) is a specially constituted meeting of the DPRWG.    The Data Network is a working group of the NDIMG and provides high-level direction to and technical advice to the NDIMG.  The NDIMG, as specified in the Terms of Reference, is responsible for:

The NDIMG is responsible for

  1. Providing CDSMAC and CDSMC and associated information management groups with strategic advice on national disability information needs and priorities.
  2. The development, review and implementation of DPRWG information management and data development strategies.
  3. Making recommendations to CDSMAC and CDSMC relating to the development and reporting of data and the information requirements of the National Disability Agreement (NDA) and the associated Implementation Plan, including NDA performance indicators, performance benchmarks and reform and policy directions. This work is to be undertaken in a way that is consistent with the requirements of the Intergovernmental Agreement on Federal Financial Relations.
  4. Promoting the development of disability national minimum data sets, including making an appropriate contribution to data coordination and data linkage activities.
  5. Endorsing data standards and specifications for inclusion in the National Community Services Data Dictionary and Disability Data Set Specification; and endorsing disability minimum data sets for national implementation.
  6. Taking specialist technical advice from the Data Network for policy-relevant analysis, information management, and data development.
  7. Establishing and overseeing time-limited technical working groups in specialist content areas, and the holding of specialist technical meetings as required.


The NDIMG comprises members of the DPRWG able to represent their jurisdictional position on disability policy and data issues from each state and territory and Australian Government agencies with portfolio responsibility for disability, as well as representatives from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).


The NDIMG Chair is the DPRWG Chair, or his/her nominee. The Chair is responsible for overseeing and monitoring the work of the NDIMG and for facilitating appropriate communication with the Community and Disability Services Ministerial Advisory Council (CDSMAC) and the Community and Disability Services Ministerial Conference (CDSMC).

Responsibilities of members

NDIMG members are responsible for:

  • Representing their jurisdiction's disability data and information issues, including in relation to national reporting requirements, reform priorities and implementation plans under the NDA.
  • Coordinating disability services data collection within their jurisdiction - including preparation, collation and timely transmission of data and information to meet requirements of the Intergovernmental Agreement on Federal Financial Relations.
  • Making an active contribution to consideration of issues raised during meetings and out of session; and undertaking action items allocated to them.
  • Consulting with all relevant parties within their jurisdiction to ensure that they can provide an authoritative jurisdictional perspective or position.
  • Ensuring the NDIMG work plan is policy relevant.

NDIMG meeting arrangements

The NDIMG meets as required, with at least one teleconference per month and a minimum of two face-to-face meetings every twelve months to progress work towards meeting the reporting requirements of the COAG Reform Council.

The Secretariat is provided by the AIHW.

Contact details

Contact the secretariat for more information.

Phone: 02 6244 1000
Fax: 02 2644 1299
Postal Address: Executive Unit
GPO Box 570
Canberra ACT 2601