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The National Health Information Standards and Statistics Committee (NHISSC) is a sub-committee of the National Health Information and Performance Principal Committee (NHIPPC). NHIPPC is one of several principal committees that report to the Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council (AHMAC). AHMAC provides support to the Standing Council on Health under arrangements for the Council of Australian Governments (COAG).

NHISSC was formed in August 2008. NHISSC assumed roles previously undertaken by the Statistical Information Management Committee (SIMC), the Health Data Standards Committee (HDSC), and some of the roles of the National Health Performance Committee (NHPC).

Terms of reference

NHISSC will:

  • Provide strategic advice to NHIPPC on national health information needs and priorities.
  • Consider the implications for the statistical system of new and emerging health information issues.
  • Oversee the development of, and recommend to NHIPPC endorsement of:    
  • In conjunction with the Australian Collaborating Centre for the WHO Family of International Classifications, advise NHIPPC on the development, implementation and maintenance of the Australian Family of Health and related classifications (including endorsing classifications for inclusion in the Family) and endorse maps to classifications to be used for statistical reporting on national health information.
  • Provide advice for NHIPPC on national statistical protocols and standards such as: data linkage, geocoding and data anonymisation protocols.
  • Monitor and seek opportunities to improve the identification of Indigenous status and Indigenous issues in national data collections and reporting and recognition of Indigenous health issues in the development of national data standards that underpin administrative reporting and research in the health sector, in collaboration with NAGATSIHID. 
  • Work with other national information committees to promote consistency between health, community services and housing assistance information.
  • The National Health Information Agreement (NHIA) (4MB PDF), governs structures and processes through which Commonwealth, State and Territory health and statistical authorities collaborate to improve, maintain and share national health information. The aim of the Agreement is to improve the health of all Australians through the provision of information to support better planning and practice in health promotion, the prevention, detection and treatment of diseases and injury and health maintenance and rehabilitation.


Membership of NHISSC will be determined by NHIPPC.

  • Department of Health (NSW)
  • Department of Health (Vic.)
  • Queensland Health
  • Department of Health (WA)
  • Department of Health (SA)
  • Department of Health and Human Services (Tas.)
  • ACT Health
  • Department of Health and Families (NT)
  • Department of Health (Commonwealth)
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • Department of Human Services
  • Department of Veterans' Affairs
  • Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

In addition, NHIPPC has appointed representatives of the following groups as NHISSC members:

  • National Chief Information Officers' Forum
  • Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Australian Private Hospitals Association
  • Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare
  • Independent Hospital Pricing Authority
  • National Health Funding Body

The Productivity Commission and Private Healthcare Australia have observer status.

NHISSC Key documents

NHISSC Business Rules

Advice in relation to these business rules is available from the NHISSC Secretariat.

Templates relevant to NHISSC

Contact details

Contact the secretariat for more information.
Phone: 02 6244 1033
Fax: 02 6244 1111
Postal Address: Executive Unit
GPO Box 570
Canberra ACT 2601