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CVDMAC members only access

The Cardiovascular Disease Monitoring Advisory Committee is the national data advisory group reporting to the National Heart, Stroke and Vascular Health Strategies Group (NHSVHSG). This Working Group has grown out of the advisory committee to the National Centre for Monitoring Cardiovascular Disease, located at the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. The Working Group maintains its role as the advisory committee to the National Centre, as well as takes on the broader role as the data working group for the NHSVHSG.

Terms of Reference

The functions of the Cardiovascular Disease Monitoring Advisory Committee (CVDMAC) include:

  1. Identifying the national information needs and requirements for data reporting on heart, stroke and vascular health in Australia, particularly in relation to the National Heart, Stroke and Vascular Health Strategy.
  2. As the national advisory committee for cardiovascular data reporting to the NHSVHSG, providing timely responses to requests for comment, and proactive advice where appropriate, on relevant data issues.
  3. As the advisory committee to the National Centre for Monitoring Cardiovascular Disease at the AIHW providing proactive input and advice in relation to:

    - work program planning and priority setting
    - the scope and content of forthcoming publications and subsequent review of draft publications.

    The Working Group will also work collaboratively with and support staff of the National Centre in relation to the functions of the Centre.
  4. In ensuring high quality data, advocate for consistency in, and widely promote appropriate use of, relevant data items utilising standardised definitions in all areas including health care practice, population health surveys, and other data sources.
  5. Promoting the collection, analysis, and reporting of heart, stroke and vascular health data in all appropriate avenues/venues.


  • Chair - Professor Andrew Tonkin
  • Representatives of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (from the National Centre, and Medical Advisor)
  • A representative of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing
  • Members with expertise in:
    • heart disease
    • stroke
    • kidney disease
    • risk factors
    • biostatistics and disease monitoring
    • Indigenous health
    • diabetes monitoring
    • health inequalities and social epidemiology
    • general practice
  • Small subgroups may be formed to further particular issues as appropriate.

Contact details

Contact the secretariat for more information.

Phone: 02 6244 1000
Fax: 02 6244 1299
Postal Address: AIHW
GPO Box 570
Canberra ACT 2601