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Disclaimer: The opinions, comments or analyses expressed in documents of the Australasian Association of Cancer Registries (AACR) are those of the AACR, and do not necessarily represent the views of the AIHW, and cannot be taken in any way as expressions of government policy.

What is the AACR? 

The Australasian Association of Cancer Registries (AACR) is a collaborative body representing the eight Australian state and territory cancer registries, the New Zealand Cancer Registry and the AIHW. It was formed in 1982 to provide a formal mechanism for promoting uniformity of collection, classification and collation of cancer data.

The AACR collaborates with the AIHW through the National Cancer Statistics Clearing House (NCSCH), which was established at the AIHW in 1986 to co-ordinate national cancer statistics.

Objectives of the AACR 

The objectives of the AACR are to:

  • analyse and report on the data in its national repository of cancer incidence and mortality statistics;
  • support research based on these data; and
  • develop and improve cancer statistics generally.

How does the AACR operate? 

The AACR Executive Committee advises the AIHW on the direction of the NCSCH work program and the development of publication topics and strategies, and provides technical advice on the operation of the NCSCH. The AACR Executive comprises an AIHW representative and five state and territory cancer registry representatives, and meets three or four times a year. For more information see AACR membership and contact details.

Contact us


Phone: 02 6244 1000