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NDDWG members only access

The NDDWG was formed originally in 1997. Several changes have occurred over the years and this revision of the Terms of Reference reflects the changed responsibilities of this Committee. The NDDWG is a multidisciplinary committee, which contains representatives from Australian Government, consumers and general practice and diabetes-related professionals. This data working group is the advisory committee to the National Centre for Monitoring Diabetes [incorporating the National Diabetes Register (NDR)], located at the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, and also provides national advice on diabetes data to other groups as required.

Terms of Reference

The functions of the National Diabetes Data Working Group (NDDWG) include:

  1. Identify the national information needs and requirements for data reporting on diabetes in Australia
  2. As the Advisory Committee to the National Centre for Monitoring Diabetes and the National Diabetes Register at the AIHW, provide timely responses to requests for comment, and proactive advice where appropriate, on relevant diabetes data issues
  3. To ensure high quality data, advocate for consistency in, and widely promote appropriate use of diabetes data items utilising standardised definitions, in all areas including health care practice, population health surveys, and other relevant data sources
  4. Subject to the availability of adequate resources, update the Diabetes Data set (and relevant subsets) in the National Health Data Dictionary
  5. Promote the collection, collation, analysis, reporting and publication of diabetes data in all appropriate avenues/venues
  6. Establish and administer appropriate committee management through documented proceedings and regular reporting mechanisms to relevant stakeholder bodies and organisations
  7. Liaise, through AIHW, with all relevant local, state, national and international bodies with respect to relevant data issues; and
  8. Elect a chairperson on an annual basis, and review the Terms of Reference biennially.

Committee membership

  • A representative of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (from National Centre for Monitoring Diabetes, incorporating the National Diabetes Register)
  • A representative of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing
  • A representative of Diabetes Australia
  • Members with expertise in:
    • diabetes management
    • diabetes in pregnancy
    • diabetes in children and adolescents
    • diabetes risk factors
    • diabetes education
    • epidemiology
    • general practice
  • A consumer representative
  • Other members as required to provide a balance of expertise.

Small subgroups may be formed to further particular issues as appropriate.

Current membership (October 2010)

Associate Professor Jonathan Shaw (Chair)
Ms Janelle Babare
Ms Monique Machutta
Professor Stephen Colagiuri
Associate Professor Maria Craig
Associate Professor Wendy Davis
Ms Susan Davidson
Mr Robert Guthrie
Professor Mark Harris
Professsor Greg Johnson
Dr Glynis Ross
Ms Susana Senes
Associate Professor Jonathan Shaw

Contact details

Contact the secretariat for more information.

National Centre for Monitoring Diabetes

Phone: 02 6244 1000
Fax: 02 6244 1299
Postal Address: AIHW
GPO Box 570
Canberra ACT 2601