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Data note

The communities and dwellings included in the FHBH database are NOT a random sample of dwellings or communities. Communities are either selected or request to participate in the program. The FHBH data are therefore NOT representative of Indigenous community housing nationally or in a particular region. To put the FHBH data in context, the distribution of discrete Indigenous communities and the dwellings in these communities based on ABS 2006 Community Housing and Infrastructure Needs Survey (CHINS) is also provided.

Source: Definitions for Fixing Houses for Better Health (FHBH) data.

Indigenous population data 

Note: Cubes open in new window.

FHBH survey data

The FHBH data come from two surveys:

  • Survey fix1 that collected information on dwellings before any fix work was commenced, and
  • Survey fix2 that collected information on dwellings after all fix work was completed.

You can choose to view either Survey 1 dwellings results or Survey 2 dwellings results, or, for making comparisons, you can view information for dwellings that had results recorded for both surveys (Survey 1 & 2 dwellings).

Summary FHBH data

These cubes show overall characteristics of the communities and dwellings surveyed and fixed in the FHBH program.

'Communities surveyed' shows the number of communities surveyed and fixed by remoteness, by the number of dwellings surveyed in the community and by program.

'Dwellings surveyed' shows the number of dwellings surveyed and fixed and includes the data items: remoteness, age of house/major upgrade, area of house, number of bedrooms, number of people living in the dwelling at the time of the survey, number of people per bedroom and program.

Note: Cubes open in new window.

Healthy Living Practices (HLP) FHBH data

In all FHBH surveys, information is collected on 36 HLPs. Of these 11 are critical and the remaining 25 are important to health but non-critical. 

'Critical HLPs' shows details of the extent to which the dwellings surveyed and fixed met the 11 critical HLPs. For more details on the Healthy Living Practices. The 11 critical HLPs are: power, water, waste connected; safety: electrical system safe; safety: gas supply safe; safety: structure of and access to the house is safe; safety: fire; shower working; washing children: basin/bath/tub working; laundry services OK with or without a washing machine; flush toilet working; waste removal from all other (i.e. non toilet) areas working; and ability to store and prepare and cook food. It also contains the data items: remoteness, age of house/major upgrade, number of people per dwelling and program. The counting unit is 'dwellings'.

'Non-critical HLPs' shows details of the extent to which the dwellings surveyed and fixed met the 25 remaining non-critical HLPs. The 25 non-critical HLPs are: hot water system safe; bath tub working; washing areas that help people wash; hot water quantity and economy; basin working; laundry tub working; laundry services OK with washing machine; laundry areas that help people wash clothes; flush toilet and waste removal from all other areas working; ease of using and maintaining toilet; dispose of waste water from the yard; store food; prepare food; cook food; kitchens that help people prepare food; reduce impact of crowding; reduce impact of dogs and cats; reduce impact of vermin; reduce impact of dust mites; reduce impact of flies and mosquitoes; reduce impact of dust; warm houses in cool conditions; cool houses in hot conditions; affordable heating and cooling; house overall economy and efficiency. It also contains the data items: remoteness, age of house/major upgrade, number of people per dwelling and program. The counting unit is 'dwellings'.

Note: Cubes open in new window.

Detailed critical HLP FHBH data  

Each of these cubes is based around one of the critical HLPs and shows the individual survey fix items which were used to calculate the HLP score. Each cube also contains the data items: remoteness, age of house/major upgrade, number of people per dwelling and program. The counting unit is 'dwellings'.

Note that the calculation of some HLPs has been refined over time. For example a new relevant data item has been introduced or the data has been recorded using more detailed categories. Where data items were not collected or the categories could not be mapped to the current categories, dwellings were included in the 'not assessed' group.

Other detailed FHBH data 

These cubes are based around specific areas of the house. They include a combination of non-critical HLPs and other relevant survey data items. Each cube also contains the data items: remoteness, age of house/major upgrade, number of people per dwelling and program. The counting unit is 'dwellings'.

The cube 'essential services, rooms and facilities' has the non-critical HLP, waste removal (toilet and other). It also has the following survey data items: type of gas, electricity available, water available, rainwater tank, waste water system type, bedrooms, showers, bath tubs, flush toilets, kitchens and laundries.

The cube 'dwelling condition' has the following survey data items: outside walls, inside walls, ceiling and floor.

The cube 'food preparation facilities, animals, pests and allergens' has the following non-critical HLPs: store food; prepare food; cook food; reduce impact of dogs and cats; reduce impact of vermin; reduce impact of flies and mosquitoes; reduce impact of dustmites; and reduce impact of dust.

The cube 'heating and cooling' has the following non-critical HLPs: warm houses in cold conditions; cool houses in hot conditions; affordable heating and cooling; and house economy and efficiency. It also has the following survey data items: minimum winter temperature; maximum summer temperature; type of heating; and type of cooling. 

Further information

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