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What cancer data are available?

Sources and scope of cancer data

The major source of cancer incidence data is the Australian Cancer Database which contains records of all primary, malignant cancers (except basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin) diagnosed in Australia since 1982.

The major source of cancer mortality data is the National Mortality Database which contains, amongst other information, records on all deaths where cancer was the underlying cause of death in Australia since 1968.

Cautionary note about small numbers

The number of cases and/or deaths from a specific type of cancer for a given sex, age-group and year can be very small. Due to a large degree of year-to-year statistical fluctuation in these small numbers, great care should be taken when assessing apparent differences involving small numbers and measures based on small numbers.

Other sources of data about cancer

Requesting further data

The AIHW is able to make available a broad range of cancer statistics subject to a scientific and ethical review process. For information on requesting these data, see requesting additional cancer and screening data.