
Aufheben - Decadence

Introduction to ‘the theory of decline or the decline of theory’

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Croissants and roses - New Labour, communalism, and the rise of muslim Britain

An account and analysis of the rise of communalism, multiculturalism and the creation of the British "Muslim community" under New Labour.

Capitalism and spectacle Review article: The Retort Collectives Afflicted Powers

Aufheben review of The Retort Collective’s Afflicted Powers

Direct action: A bloke’s eye view - Review of Birds, booze and bulldozers

Aufheben Review of Birds, booze and bulldozers by Peter Styles (Small World, 2007)

Al-Sadr and the Mahdi army: Sectarianism and resistance in Iraq

Muqtada al-Sadr

Aufheben's excellent analysis and history of Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi army in Iraq.

Class conflicts in the transformation of China

Aufheben's excellent account of the development and transformation of China and the Chinese working class from the time of Mao until today.

Aufheben #16 (2008)

Aufheben Issue #16. Class conflicts in the transformation of China, The language of retreat: Paolo Virno’s A grammar of the multitude, Value struggle or class struggle?, Review: Forces of labour: Workers’ movements and globalisation since 1870 by Beverly J. Silver.

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Aufheben latest issue

Aufheben 23 (2015-2016)


Review: Moishe Postone's Time, labour and social domination - capital beyond class struggle?

Brighton-based libertarian Marxist magazine Aufheben critically reviews Moishe Postone's book Time, Labour and social domination.