Why I'm campaigning to reclaim the internet from sexist trolls

Yvette Cooper is launching #ReclaimTheInternet
Yvette Cooper is launching #ReclaimTheInternet

“A 15-year-old shouldn’t have to brush off rape threats”.

These were the words of GirlGuiding UK Ambassador Katherine Bradfield this week, as she spoke openly about the abuse that she, and her friends, endure online.

But it’s not just teenagers who put up with it.

Teachers’ union NASUWT has wanred that half of all academic staff experience online abuse from pupils and parents – which, at its most serious, has a big effect on their work and mental health. Stonewall regularly warns of the scars cyberbullying can leave on young lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people.

That’s why, this week, I launched #ReclaimTheInternet – a cross-party campaign with Maria Miller (chair of the Women and Equalities Committee) and backed by organisations including GirlGuidingUK, End Violence Against Women, the Fawcett Society, Facebook, Twitter, Google - and numerous other tech companies, think tanks, police and campaigners.

We can't let public debates be dominated by those who are most aggressive

The internet should be for everyone - a forum for free speech, strong argument, pictures of cats and yes, anger, too. We work, rest and play online.

But that's why it is so damaging if some voices are drowned out, or some people feel forced offline by threats or targeted abuse. If children and young people grow up thinking vitriol is an acceptable way to interact.

In some cases, the abuse is criminal. Laura Higgins told us about the revenge porn helpline she runs; the thousands of pleas for help she's had, and the need for the police to do far more to tackle this growing criminal offence that sees people have explicit images of themselves posted online, without their consent.

But in most cases, online abuse isn't a crime. So the question is what responsibility all of us have - as individuals, through campaigns, through schools, workplaces, unions, and through publishing platforms and social media - to challenge it and change attitudes.

We can't let public debates be dominated by those who are most aggressive. None of us wants trolling to be the new normal for the digital generation.

None of us wants trolling to be the new normal for the digital generation


Tackling that abuse isn't about restricting free speech. Quite the opposite. Right now, young activists are deciding not to speak out, or campaign online, because of the onslaught of abuse they receive.

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, who is also backing the campaign, has called for more social responsibility from everyone, and more action from social media platforms, as the best way to protect the open internet.

We know that women are more likely to be targeted online. But new Demos research has found that some kinds of sexism (such as aggressively accusing women of being a ‘slut’ or a ‘whore’) were as likely to come from young women as young men, reflecting a wider and ingrained culture of abuse.

Let's be honest. None of us should pretend to have all the answers. Technology is moving too fast and we are still working out what it means to be a good online citizen.

That's why this campaign, #ReclaimTheInternet, is a new way to do things. Instead of politicians sitting in a room in Westminster, drawing up laws for the police to enforce, we've launched a two month online debate before a big conference in July to crowdsource ideas and calls for action that will drive our actions.

If it’s to continue to be a force for change and democracy, the internet must be for everyone

We’re calling for your views on what more the police and prosecutors should be doing; how social media companies can build respect and tolerant debate into their platforms from the start; what guidelines employers should have in place to support their staff; and how we can stop this being simply a fact of life for young people growing up in a digital age.

And we're taking inspiration from the Reclaim the Night marches of the 70s and 80s. When women in Leeds were warned not to go out after dark because the streets weren't safe they did the opposite. Refusing to be silenced, refusing to hide away, they marched instead calling for safer streets for everyone. They demanded more action from the police, better lighting, support from local councils, and a change in attitudes towards violence against women across society.

The internet is our new street. It has given voice to the marginalised, it’s taken on powerful institutions and individuals - and won. But if it’s to continue to be a force for change and democracy, the internet must be for everyone.

That's why we want you to join the debate and stand together to reclaim the internet now.