
Upcoming Events

Our Major Events

Bespoke Events

Our bespoke events offer unforgettable and once-in-a-lifetime experiences created exclusively for you, our passionate Telegraph readers. 

Set in iconic venues throughout the UK, the hosted events offer private access and exclusive audiences, with Telegraph columnists and experts offering their invaluable insights and trusted guidance. Events emerge from The Telegraph’s heartland, focusing on award-winning editorial expertise and influence across its core lifestyle areas such as food and fine dining, wine, sport, arts and culture, as well as embracing the company's heritage in politics and history.

Taking the form of smaller, more intimate and beyond-the-rope experiences such as masterclasses, debates, tastings, previews, readings, shows and tours, our aim is to provide you with a programme of expert and insider access to some of the UK’s finest attractions, and invitations to handcrafted occasions, previously unseen.

In the past year we have hosted over 30 Bespoke events, and with new concepts popping up all the time there are sure to be more exciting events coming in the next few months.

We hope to see you at one of our Bespoke Events in the next few months.

