Tag Archives: googlebooks

Fair! Google Books case dismissed.

Karen Coyle has done an excellent write up of this so I will refer you there. The full impact of this ruling is impossible (for me) to predict, but there are many among us who are breathing a great sigh … Continue reading

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Google Books ngrams – on Hegel and Hitler and OCR

So hey this is interesting. I’ve skipped a lot of the Google Books ebookstore stuff lately because I’m honestly not sure what to make of it. And I don’t buy books anyhow. But a friend mentioned this Google Labs Ngram … Continue reading

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possibly the best library hoax

“Jean Nepomucene Auguste Pichauld, Comte de Fortsas, was a man with a singular passion. He collected books of which only one copy was known to exist…. [W]hen he died on September 1, 1839 he possessed only fifty-two books, but each … Continue reading

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DIY Book Scanner, details

I’ve mentioned Daniel Reetz’s DIY portable book scanner here before. It’s a great combination of an interesting thing to look at, an interesting project to contemplate and a bit of a gauntlet tossed down as far as bigger questions of … Continue reading

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a few late summer links

I’ve been scooting around a little bit lately and here are some things that have been crossing my virtual desk. I’ve also dealt with two wordpress issues [a hack! and an outdated sidebar navigation element] and I’ve upgraded to the … Continue reading

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