Federal Politics

Scott Morrison warns against internal fight over free speech laws: 'It doesn't create one job'

Senior government ministers are resisting renewed debate over section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act, as a fresh backbench push threatens to once again divide the Coalition over free speech.

Treasurer Scott Morrison, preparing for the release of key national accounts figures on Wednesday, warned that changing the 18c racial hate laws would not help reduce unemployment or improve any other economic metric.

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No decision on 18c

The head of the committee investigating whether 18c should to be changed has offered options for the government rather than actual recommendations.

"I know there are a lot of people who are interested in this issue," he said. "As a senior figure in this government ... I know this issue doesn't create one job, doesn't open one business, doesn't give anyone one extra hour. It doesn't make housing more affordable or energy more affordable.

"I don't see any intersection between that issue and those priorities."

Mr Morrison was speaking after the release of a cross-party report into free speech, which failed to unite behind any substantial changes to section 18c, but did make recommendations on the complaints-handling process of the Australian Human Rights Commission.

On Tuesday, before the release of the report, Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce also played down the importance of reforming section 18c, acknowledging "not many" people in his regional NSW electorate had raised concerns about the issue.


"We talk about a whole range of things but we don't generally sit down and talk about racial discrimination," he said. "I went up to north Queensland the other day ... I'll be quite frank, they do not invite me into their shed to look around their packing shed and then say 'Barney, sit down in this chair, I want to talk to you about the Racial Discrimination Act'."

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said on Wednesday the issue was "rarely raised" in her Perth electorate, and her focus was on foreign affairs. With regard to colleagues who were agitated about the issue, she said: "What their priorities are is a matter for them."

But other Coalition MPs have other ideas. Reforms that Tony Abbott took off the table in 2014 due to political disagreements are now back on the agenda, with several Liberals speaking out in favour of amending the wording of the controversial section.

Liberal senator Eric Abetz, a leader of the Coalition's conservative wing, said section 18c should be amended "as a matter of urgency", noting that all the government's backbench senators were in favour of reform.

Another Liberal senator, Western Australia's Dean Smith, said the parliamentary report had vindicated concerns that ordinary Australians had about free speech and that the government could "walk and talk and chew gum at the same time" by addressing those concerns.

"For me, as a Liberal Party senator from WA, these issues are real for people. It is an issue that Liberals would like to be addressed," he told the ABC.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and the cabinet are now expected to consider the many options for reform canvassed in the report. Mr Turnbull has previously said he is open to changing section 18c but indicated the government's response would be informed by the inquiry's report.

AHRC president Gillian Triggs on Wednesday said it was "extremely disappointing" the report was not able to provide leadership and a way forward on an unnecessary debate that has now raged for years.

"These are suggested solutions to a problem that doesn't exist," she told ABC radio. "We really don't have a problem with 18c. The Australian public doesn't really follow it very much, doesn't see it as important on the agenda, and we know it works very well."

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