
Lack of detail from Donald Trump's speech pushes up correction risks

Fund managers say the lack of detail on tax policy, economic policy and infrastructure spending in US President Donald Trump's first speech to Congress leaves markets vulnerable to a correction. 

What was expected to be a landmark speech in which the President would finally outline in detail his much-hyped economic plans turned out to be something of a fizzer for global markets, with few concrete policies outlined. 

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US stock markets are up $US3 trillion since the election of Mr Trump, which he claimed was "a record". But Perpetual global equities portfolio manager Garry Laurence said many of the businesses pegged to benefit most from Mr Trump's tax policies have already risen strongly.

"It's all been priced in. So from here, you really need to see those policies come through [for those companies] to continue their upward trajectory," he said.

Even the only concrete economic policy mentioned in Mr Trump's speech – he is pushing Congress to approve legislation to create a $US1 trillion investment fund for US infrastructure – was loosely framed, Mr Laurence said. 

"We don't know how long it'll take, so it's hard to say what stimulus it'll be," he said.


While US stock futures pared initial gains in response to the speech, the greenback and US yields both rose in late trade on Wednesday. However, this was mainly due to Federal Reserve officials massaging expectations of a March rate rise. Market pricing of the chance of a March Federal Reserve interest rate hike, boosted by hawkish comments from two US Federal Reserve officials, jumped to 80 per cent on Wednesday, while yields on two-year US bonds rose to a nine-year high of 1.2919 per cent. 

Dominic Byrne, global equities investment director at Edinburgh-based global funds manager Standard Life Investments, said he could see why markets had priced in the expected good news.

"But at some point the market needs to see policy," he said.

Some feared the lack of policy announcements signalled Mr Trump was struggling to implement his agenda.

"The Trump administration appears to be aiming to release a more detailed tax reform plan by May but, given the difficulties with crafting a plan that stands a chance of passing in both the House and Senate, we wouldn't be surprised if that timeline is subject to further delays," said Capital Economics' chief US economist Paul Ashworth. "Despite Trump's upbeat assessment ... comprehensive tax reform is likely to take another 12 months, if not longer."

The speech wasn't surprising, hitting many familiar notes. "He's still on the campaign trail," said Matthew Peter, the chief economist at state-owned asset manager Queensland Investment Corporation. "He had no policy detail to speak of."

Some strategists said investors would be happy to know Mr Trump's plans hadn't altered. Michael O'Rourke, chief market strategist at JonesTrading, wasn't expecting a lot of policy detail, and didn't consider that a key concern.

"There's a significant amount of optimism and euphoria in this market ... [I'm] not confident that the market is going to disappointed by not having details. This market loves to trade on hope," he said.

Many had hoped Mr Trump would outline his position on a border adjustment tax. 

The much-discussed Republican tax policy proposes using tariffs to level the playing field for American exports. Mr Trump provided some guide to his thinking, but didn't outline what the White House would support.

Citing a visit to Harley Davidson, Mr Trump said the manufacturer told him "it is very hard to do business with other countries because they tax our goods at such a high rate".

"They said that in one case another country taxed their motorcycles at 100 per cent. They weren't even asking for change. But I am."

Wall Street futures rose during the speech, but fell back as the President's address, lauded by political pundits for its rhetoric and presidential delivery, came to a close. 

For all the focus on Mr Trump, some stressed the global equities rally boosting Wall Street and the Dow isn't just about him.

Bob Baur, the chief global economist at Iowa-based investment manager Principal Global Investors, said while there was potential for investors to be disappointed by the lack of policy detail, it was worth remembering that the rally was supported by economic fundamentals.

"If you value world output in dollars, 2015 had the biggest decline in world output since the 1930s. It was a significant global recession. Starting in February and March 2016, the world has been recovering from that. And we continue to do that.

"Nominal growth has picked up fairly dramatically, not just in US but in China. Profits are up. I really do think part of the global stock market rally, even from before the election, has an awful lot to do with stronger global fundamentals."

Mr Peter was also sceptical of the extent to which US equities were being driven by sentiment on Mr Trump. "I think there's a dichotomy with what equity markets are doing and what bonds and the US dollar have been doing," he said.

"I think bonds and the US dollar are a far better gauge of how the market's feeling about Trump.

"Equity markets have their own dynamics. It's hard to say they're all Trump-driven."