Australian politics, society & culture

The view from Billinudgel

Turnbull’s trip to India produced very little except another PR boost for the Adani mine
By Mungo MacCallum
Tony Nutt takes the fall for the Liberal Party’s election campaign but could still be its biggest winner
By Mungo MacCallum
Latham’s sacking reveals the hypocrisy of the free-speech crusaders
By Mungo MacCallum
Turnbull is being dragged into an 18C crusade he cannot win
By Mungo MacCallum
The defenders of free speech are happy to shut it down when it suits them
By Mungo MacCallum
George Christensen’s resignation as National Party whip changes little
By Mungo MacCallum
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Australia drew attention to a growing consensus in the Labor Party
By Mungo MacCallum
Attacking Bill Shorten won’t give Malcolm Turnbull the policy legitimacy he needs
By Mungo MacCallum
The Turnbull government keeps looking to coal to solve the country’s energy issues
By Mungo MacCallum
Who benefits from Malcolm Turnbull’s deal with Donald Trump?
By Mungo MacCallum
State governments are taking action where the federal government has failed
By Mungo MacCallum
Increased security in parliament is just another way to keep the public at bay
By Mungo MacCallum
Don’t be surprised if the Attorney General never returns from summer holidays
By Mungo MacCallum
Only clairvoyance can explain some of the actions of the immigration minister
By Mungo MacCallum
We do not yet understand the forces Donald Trump has unleashed
By Mungo MacCallum
The opposition leader has displayed several signs of backbone in recent weeks
By Mungo MacCallum
The attorney-general’s reputation is in tatters after his solicitor-general stoush
By Mungo MacCallum
A week of dithering over the Adler A110 brings the government’s incompetence into focus
By Mungo MacCallum

