Richard Barone


Pioneering recording artist, producer, author & frontman of . Pre-order my new album : Greenwich Village in the 1960s

New York City
Joined February 2009

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  1. There is no artist from any land or from any era who has brought us more peace and beauty through his music than .

  2. , , and 5 others
  3. Looking forward to joining and this amazing crewe at on October 28th. Grab a ticket now.

  4. Richard Barone has a show on 10/12/2016 at 06:00 PM @ The Bowery Electric in New York, NY

  5. "Our Society Is Run By Insane People" - John Lennon

  6. Today, on 's birthday, on this presidential debate day, PLEASE -"GIMME SOME TRUTH".

  7. I would go with Mr. Used To Be or River To River for tonight's event ;-)

  8. Where The Truth Lies via

  9. Right! Vin Scelsa's not on the air to do it anymore, so we've gotta do it for him. JUST GIVE US SOME TRUTH!

  10. Today, on 's birthday, on this presidential debate day, PLEASE -"GIMME SOME TRUTH".

  11. Happy Birthday wishes to my pal .

  12. I am delighted that director is helming the biopic starring . How can it not be amazing? Best wishes all!

  13. Richard Barone followed , , and 8 others
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