
Prairie potholes in South Dakota are important breeding and feeding areas for many types of birds. Under the Clean Water Rule, farmers cannot fill them in or discharge pollutants into them without a permit. Laura Hubers, USFWS/Flickr

Why farmers and ranchers think the EPA Clean Water Rule goes too far

President Trump signed an executive order to roll back the 2015 Clean Water Rule. Two water experts explain why the rule alarms farmers and ranchers concerned about over-regulation.


Analysis and Comment

A 1941 photograph depicts the Chicago Defender’s linotype operators. Wikimedia Commons

Can the black press stay relevant?

From the treatment of black World War II veterans to Emmett Till's murder, the black press helped lay the groundwork for the civil rights movement. What role can it play today?

Culling sharks won’t protect surfers

Professional surfers have called for culling sharks to reduce the risk of attacks. A shark biologist explains why culling will not work and surfers should accept risk when they enter the water.

The destructive life of a Mardi Gras bead

Each Mardi Gras, 25 million pounds of beads hit the streets of New Orleans. One researcher went to the Chinese factories that make them – and spoke to the workers who believe the beads will be given to royalty.

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A screen shot of open enrollment for 2017 Obamacare plans. Open enrollment is now closed, and opponents hope it will be closed forever. Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

Do you know what the Affordable Care Act does? Here’s a primer to help

Opinions are strong about the Affordable Care Act, but not everyone understands what the nearly 1,000-page law does. In case you missed the high points of the law, here's a primer to help.


Travel ban

A woman holds a flag as she looks out over the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Threats of violent Islamist and far-right extremism: What does the research say?

Data on violent incidents in the US reveal that our focus on Islamist extremism since 9/11 may be misguided.




Inside Rural America

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Most Read past week

  1. California’s rain may shed light on new questions about what causes earthquakes
  2. The destructive life of a Mardi Gras bead
  3. Here’s what happens to your brain when you give up sugar for Lent
  4. Red state rural America is acting on climate change – without calling it climate change
  5. Cybersecurity of the power grid: A growing challenge

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