


  1. 固定されたツイート

    “To destroy a people you must first sever their roots.” — Alexander Solzhenitzyn

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    Maybe the most famous quote of his, 'Chesterton's Fence', the long version. From the book "The Thing", 1929.

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    Bertrand de Jouvenel (1903-1987) ripping into the mythical "social contract" and other delusions of the progressives. 1957.

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    Maybe the best page in Daniel J. Mahoney's 2005 book on Bertrand de Jouvenel: Bertrand, the medievalist. (p.124).

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    "Indeed the law is a mere ribbon." Bertrand de Jouvenel in 1965 quoting Mme la baronne de Staël from 1818.

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    Mankind, is by nature and disposition, inherently hierarchic. (Bertrand De Jouvenel, Pure Theory of Politics, p.64)

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    "The wise man knows himself for debtor." — Bertrand de Jouvenel (Sovereignty)

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    "Redistribution is in effect a redistribution of power from the individual to the State.” — Bertrand de Jouvenel

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    19 時間前

    "Media stronger if together"...sounds like a plan to obtain power. Seems to me some journalists forget what they're suppose to be doing.

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    21 時間前

    Weird. I'm back. No explanation from Twitter about what this was about. Looks like the plea really came through.

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  12. 2月24日

    French writer Jean Cau (1925-1993), on his veteran father's animosity towards his civilian employers.

  13. 2月24日

    Guy Debord, the founder of the Situationsts and a lifelong marxist, in one of his later more lucid moments, on the question of immigrants.

  14. 2月24日

    USA 1997: Silly Russians are drinking themselves to death! USA 2017: We are literally drugging ourselves to death!

  15. 2月24日

    On the birth rates of Renaissance italian noblewomen.

  16. 2月24日

    “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.” — Edward Abbey

  17. 2月24日

    Believed to be the bathtub used by King George III. Looks comfy.

  18. 2月24日

    Example of a holy natural spring bath (in Japan). There was never such a thing as a holy shower room!



