Friday, 17 February 2017

Tradition in Strange Places

I argued back in August 2016 that game has undergone a profound change of heart. It was in the beginning about men getting more than their fair share from the sexual smorgasbord that Liberalism has provided. But over time, as those who have lived this life has gotten older they began to see a different Liberal world. A world in which items on the sexual smorgasbord were in reality poison.

I present to you two examples of exactly that.

First is from Roosh V, who started Return of Kings. I am amazed at how Traditional this video is, it is both insightful and sad. Just to deal with one thing in this video, I think most people, men and women, only need a 8th Grade education. Please do watch.

Why are women being educated?

The second is from Dalrock, who has also taken quite a Traditional viewpoint, have a read of this one:

Denying the Feminist Rebellion

Here are two men who only a few short years ago would have laughed at us, now saying the same things that we think.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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1 comment:

  1. "Why are women being educated?"

    Even though many people that realize that the liberal agenda is a fraud and has failed will balk at this. It will take a cataclysmic series of events to wake people up to this. Women have been programmed to desire choice and purpose that doesn't involve their reproductive equipment. And once women are programmed, it takes a complete reversal in the herd's mentality before they will turn and go in another direction. Male and female is a simple division of labor created by God. Males are in charge of society. Women are in charge of the home and perform the critical function of being the gateway into this universe. The view that this is somehow "inferior" and unworthy of any female has been imposed on us all, along with other feminist lies.
