
  • Lisbon

    Call for papers - History

    Insularities and enclaves in colonial and post-colonial circumstances

    Crossings, conflicts and identitarian constructions (15th - 21st centuries)

    Historically, archipelagos were considered as rehearsal spaces for new social constructions. Since colonization and, afterwards, colonialism and imperialism, many of them evolved in association with the strengthening of international networks, while others did not escape isolation and forced unequal integration in different spaces. On the other hand, enclaves were the outcome of historical circumstances, often externally decided, which prompted some degree of insularity regarding the immediate geographical surroundings. When those territories did not become independent, there were demands for autonomy or, at least, some underlying emancipatory and anti-colonialist feelings. Even when these feelings did not mobilize relevant segments of the population, they disclose the alterity – above all cultural – in regard to sovereignty.

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  • Call for papers - America

    Power and media, media power Insights on the Americas

    Insights on the Americas

    For its 11th issue, RITA proposes to interrogate the links between power and media in the Americas. Several areas of debate can be suggested, although they should not be considered as exclusive. Articles making a critical analysis of official media as well as opposition media, in varied historical and geographical contexts, will of course be welcome. Other articles may deal with the treatment of popular movements by the media. Critical reflections on the relationship between media and economic power are also encouraged. The Thema section can also include analysis of the current diversification of information media by focusing, for instance, on the emergence of “alternative” media on the Internet, or on the power of fake news over the construction of collective representations.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Urban studies

    The Right to the City in the South, everyday urban experience and rationalities of government

    Ce colloque international propose de travailler la notion de droit à la ville depuis les villes du Sud. Il s’attache à en restituer la portée critique et souhaite soumettre à la réflexion collective la notion de droit à la ville de fait, forgée dans le cadre d’un programme de recherche collaboratif, DALVAA. Il invite donc des participants de disciplines et d’institutions variées, à engager un dialogue sur le rôle des expériences citadines dans la mise en ordre socio-spatiale des villes du Sud. 

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  • Vanves

    Call for papers - Geography

    Waste Sciences, Knowledges and Practices

    European, North and Latin American perspectives

    Waste has emerged as a main environmental, economic and social issue in the last fifty years. The convergence of interests from various fields of reflection and action suggests a potential and fruitful “epistemological turn”. Yet this process is still on the verge of formalization. Research and decision on waste organizational and representational systems remain either fragmented or dependent on local context though some waste management recommendations arise from worries on the global consequences of discard. Hence this international symposium aims at opening transatlantic conversations between academic, technical and artistic areas in order to clarify how waste challenges our everyday sciences, knowledges and practices.

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  • Huesca

    Call for papers - Modern

    Texts, territories, technologies: another extraordinary journey

    6th Hispano-Luso- French conference

    Ce colloque interdisciplinaire se propose d'analyser l’évolution de ces savoirs mobilisés tels que la langue, la littérature, la géographie, les sciences « dures » ou encore l’histoire. La prise en compte de ces savoirs « hétérogènes », les mécanismes de leur transmission, ainsi que le développement individualisé que ces sciences ont eu, seront au cœur de nos interrogations.

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  • Faro

    Call for papers - Economy

    Tourism and management studies

    Esta conferência abrangerá uma ampla variedade de temas relacionados com os estudos turísticos e com a gestão turística e hoteleira. Este evento visa estimular a investigação e a divulgação do conhecimento científico nas áreas do Turismo, do Lazer e da Gestão Turística, incentivando as abordagens inter-disciplinares e comparativas.

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